Accumulation of spectra for image
10000 MiniCSPad images (185, 388, 2) of the cxi49812-r0203 were processed as flattened arrays of amplitude vs pixel and stored in the 2d array: spectra(143560, 120)
, where
- 143560 = 185*388*2 is a total number of pixels,
- 120 is a number of bins in the image amplitude range from -20 to 100 ADC units.
Plots are shown for entire 2d arrayspectra
and as a spectra of individual pixels with and without vertical scale cap.
Spectrum vs pixel number
Spectrum without cap
Spectrum with cap
Spectrum with cap and zoomed in
Spectra of a few pixels
Spectra are shown w/o and with vertical cap
Spectrum for pixel 100
Spectrum for pixel 1000
Spectrum for pixel 10000
Spectrum for pixel 100000
- The run cxi49812-r0203 has a very low photon rate/pixel < 0.001.
- Single photon peak in amplitude spectrum is not clearly seen.
- The gain correction map obtained for this run will not have sufficient precision.
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