From Bruce Hill on March 2, 2023:
For DRP we setup this gateway:
drp on pscag03 serving PVs from (a.k.a. the "152" subnet) subnet to hutches
Clients on daq-drp.pcdsn (the "152" subnet) are able to directly access hutch PVs using our standard EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST=YES via any of the pscag0* hosts which all have interfaces for these subnets.
In late 2023 ports were open so that ACR and S3DF can access DAQ EPICS across subnets without a gateway using EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST and EPICS_PVA_ADDR_LIST (cpo has notes on how to do this from ACR, need to put those notes here).
We propose to export DAQ:NEH:tmo (read-only) from the tmo gateway. This is for variables like DAQ:NEH:tmo:0:DeadFrac created by the prom2pvs process. We also export DAQ:NEH:XPM (read-write) from the drp gateway so that control-level processes running on machines like tmo-daq can program XPM's.
On April 15, 2024 the drp gateway exposed DAQ:NEH:* and DRP:*, we will try removing these on April 22, 2024. There is also a DET:*, which we should try to remove as well on April 22, 2024.
There are special rules that are read-write from DRP:
mcc-daq.pvlist:EM1K0:GMD:HPS:BLD:PAYLOAD ALLOW RWDRP mcc-daq.pvlist:EM2K0:XGMD:HPS:BLD:PAYLOAD ALLOW RWDRP rix.pvlist:RIX:TIMETOOL:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 rix.pvlist:MR4K2:FIM:W8:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 rix.pvlist:MR3K2:FIM:W8:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 rix.pvlist:RIX:FIM:W8:03.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 rix.pvlist:RIX:CRIX:W8:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 tmo.pvlist:DAQ:TMO:HSD:1_DA.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 tmo.pvlist:TMO:TIMETOOL:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 tmo.pvlist:MR2K4:FIM:W8:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 tmo.pvlist:MR3K4:FIM:W8:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 txi.pvlist:TXI:TIMETOOL:.* ALLOW RWDRP 1 also this one for the tmo laser wave8: las-amo.pvlist:LM1K4:W8:04:.* ALLOW RWTMODAQ 1
cpo thoughts:
- gmd/xgmd should be removed, but I will confirm with the group
- RIX:RIM:W8 is old and should be removed (replaced by CRIX wave8)
- don't understand the TIMETOOL ones, but may be necessary. cpo will think.
When we make the changes, we will check:
- the daq runs
- grafana works
- TIMETOOL still works
Matt writes about the GMD/XGMD variables above: "Yes, these are the variables you describe (to determine the structure of the bld). I think read only should be fine. Also, I think pvget is expected to fail. I think the proper access is something like pvinfo." (although cpo tried and couldn't get either pvget or pvinfo to work). Matt later adds: "The PV is actually EM1K0:GMD:HPS:BLD_PAYLOAD which is still inaccessible. I think that's because the accelerator doesn't yet have a PVA gateway. Our bld process uses EPICS_PVA_ADDR_LIST= to access it directly" so the above entries in mcc-daq.pvlist are incorrect and can be removed completely.
Timetool arrays are in the cnf files. This allows the drp process to write to the timetool variable hosted by the hutch.
(ps-4.6.3) tmo-daq:scripts> grep TTALL tmo.cnf { host: 'drp-srcf-cmp026', id:'tmo_atmopal_0', flags:'spu', env:epics_env, cmd:drp_cmd0+' -l 0x1 -D opal -k ttpv=TMO:TIMETOOL:TTALL'}, (ps-4.6.3) tmo-daq:scripts>
Work on April 23, 2024
Zach and cpo removed the bld-payload variables above since they were spelled incorrectly, and don't need to be writeable from the DAQ. Also removed the RIX:FIM:W8:03 since we believe that FIM as renamed to the CRIX fim. Also removed tmo.pvlist:DAQ:TMO:HSD:1_DA.* since it is only for one channel. Removed DET:*, *DRP.*, *DAQ:NEH.* (replaced the latter with DAQ:NEH:XPM) in drppvlist.
DAQ:NEH:tmo are the variables that Ric's prometheus exporter generates and are readable in tmo.pvlist. Added DAQ:NEH:rix to rix.pvlist. Restarted rix/tmo/drp/mcc-daq gateways.
In May 2024 TMO was unable to successfully complete a scan: would fail around 30 steps. Bypassing the gateway dramatically improved the situation. Notified Zach of this issue.
Bypassing Gateways
Router work has been done to allow EPICS variables to be accessed using EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST and EPICS_PVA_ADDR_LIST. Some details are here: ACR Realtime Feedback#RouterNetworkSupport
Change Requested by Tyler
On May 31, 2024
Hi Matt, Hi Chris, during the next PAMM, I would like to add the following rule to the DRP gateway configuration and reboot the gateway to pick up the new rule:
This would allow us to configure XPM0 from the laser subnet which would be much more convenient for our laser/timing operators. My intent is to have a script that programs our standard laser XPM0 configuration(s), and make this available to our laser operators via a button on a screen. This way if the laser operators see that the XPM configuration is gone (such as after a power outage) they can press this button and restore laser operation without the need to call me or Dring.
Work on Nov. 5, 2024
Zach added DAQ:FEH:XPM (to be like DAQ:NEH:XPM) to the gateway rules.