instructions for building pcieapps

conda activate lcls2daq
 conda install -c anaconda anaconda-client
conda install conda-build
conda build /u1/sioan/slac-lcls/relmanage/recipes/pcieapps/


instructions for uploading pcieapps (need to have base activated. that's where the anaconda-client is installed)

conda install anaconda-client  #only needs to be done once per machine.
anaconda login                 #only needs to be done once a year.  Need to register the account on
anaconda upload -u lcls-ii /u1/sioan/miniconda3/conda-bld/noarch/pcieapps-0.0.1-py_0.tar.bz2 --force


instructions for installing pcieapps

conda create --clone lcls2daq --name lcls2daq_ttdev
conda remove -n lcls2daq_ttdev pcieapps
conda install -c lcls-ii pcieapps



instructions for making local changes to the lcls2-pcie-apps software.

conda activate lcls2daq_ttdev
cd /u1/sioan/slac-lcls/lcls2/
cd ~/lcls2-pcie-apps/
python develop --prefix=/u1/sioan/slac-lcls/lcls2/install



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  1. meta.yaml ( and ) files are located in $TOP/slac-lcls/relmanage/recipes