• In the future, we could think about a debug build with vamp trace if it makes sense
  • for now, just build production package, on the rhel 5/6/7 machines:
    • ana-rel-manage -c bld-pkg -r manage/recipes/system/mpi4py-2.0.0
  • install in testana and testdbg
    • conda install -n testana mpi4py=2.0.0 numpy
      • using mpi4py without numpy doesn't make sense, so get that

System Testing, package tests

  • At this point, a good idea for testing is to install nose
    • conda install -n testana nose
    • conda install -n testanadbg nose
  • Now you can do cd $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy
  • and run nosetests
  • do this as a user, not psreldev, in case the tests try to write files
  • you can do this from site-packages also
  • nose running gives us some confidence that numpy is working

Our tests

  • cd mpi from the test-lcls-conda-build-system dir
  • bsub -q psanaq -n 20 -I mpirun mpi_test.py
    • This worked fine without errors for me, when I ran on psnehq and psfehq, I got warnings about no openfabrics, but performance looked pretty good



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