
Optical measurement

Plots from Gabriel Blaj:

Quality check


Evaluated parameters

We calculate
S1 - 1st short side length of 2x1
S2 - 2nd short side length of 2x1
L1 - 1st long side length of 2x1
L2 - 2nd long side length of 2x1
D1 - 1st diagonal of 2x1 between corners 1 and 3
D2 - 2nd diagonal of 2x1 between corners 2 and 4
dS and dL are the deviations of the 1st and 2nd corner along the short and long sides, respectively. The sign of all dS are chosen in order to provide correct sign for the tilt angle (the same direction for all 2x1 sensors).
<dS/L> - the tilt angle of 2x1 averaged over two sides in radians.
angle(deg) - the same angle in degrees.
dD = D1 - D2
d(dS) = dS1 - dS2
d(dL) = dL1 - dL2
dz3(um) - signed distance from 2x1 sensor plane and corner 3, where the 2x1 sensor plane contains the corner points p1, p2, and p4. This plane is defined by the vectors v21=p2-p1, v41=p4-p1, and their orthogonal vector

vort = [v21 x v41].

Scalar product with normalization defines the distance from point 3 to the 2x1 plane containing 3 other points:

dz3 = (v31 * vort) / |vort|.

S1=S2, L1=L2 - the 2x1 sides should have equal length and width,
D1=D2 - the 2x1 diagonals should be equal,
dS1 = dS2 (approximately)= (388/185)*dL1 = (388/185)*dL2 - tilt angle should provide consistent deviation for all corners,
dD=0, d(dS)=0, and d(dL)=0 - within precision of measurement.
dz3(um) = 0

Everything, excluding <dS/L> and angle(deg), are in micrometers.


Quality check summary table

pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)      D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)    dz3(um)

Quad  0
pair: 0   20919   20917    -100    -102     43553   43543      38      28   -0.00232   -0.13289   48297   48325     -28       2      10     24.999
pair: 1   20914   20903     161     150     43546   43538     -74     -82    0.00357    0.20462   48299   48305      -6      11       8    -35.011
pair: 2   20905   20916     362     351     43557   43528     202     173    0.00819    0.46910   48319   48290      29      11      29    -11.023
pair: 3   20894   20904     113     103     43547   43563      68      84    0.00248    0.14207   48331   48287      44      10     -16     68.070
pair: 4   20912   20909      -3      -6     43543   43550       6      13   -0.00010   -0.00592   48313   48300      13       3      -7     40.995
pair: 5   20914   20911      35      32     43541   43549     -19     -11    0.00077    0.04408   48307   48305       2       3      -8    -10.994
pair: 6   20913   20917    -141    -145     43545   43537     -62     -70   -0.00328   -0.18817   48306   48301       5       4       8     45.977
pair: 7   20912   20914    -117    -119     43552   43546     -49     -55   -0.00271   -0.15525   48314   48306       8       2       6    -17.005

Quad  1
pair: 0   20921   20913      52      44     43554   43544     -28     -38    0.00110    0.06315   48302   48320     -18       8      10    -38.995
pair: 1   20917   20899       9      -9     43552   43549      -3      -6   -0.00000   -0.00000   48305   48313      -8      18       3    -14.040
pair: 2   20903   20904     -73     -74     43538   43535     -30     -33   -0.00169   -0.09673   48298   48291       7       1       3     46.002
pair: 3   20908   20913     -54     -59     43548   43538     -14     -24   -0.00130   -0.07435   48311   48296      15       5      10    -53.992
pair: 4   20895   20906    -231    -220     43539   43545     113     119   -0.00518   -0.29673   48306   48292      14     -11      -6     13.037
pair: 5   20904   20910    -219    -213     43537   43554      99     116   -0.00496   -0.28421   48308   48301       7      -6     -17    -48.989
pair: 6   20904   20896    -137    -129     43543   43525     -55     -73   -0.00306   -0.17504   48291   48291       0      -8      18     -1.025
pair: 7   20906   20904    -105    -103     43547   43544     -42     -45   -0.00239   -0.13684   48309   48297      12      -2       3      6.996

Quad  2
pair: 0   20898   20907     -48     -39     43539   43543      18      22   -0.00100   -0.05724   48297   48299      -2      -9      -4     -4.004
pair: 1   20908   20903     149     144     43546   43543     -65     -68    0.00336    0.19276   48306   48299       7       5       3     -1.003
pair: 2   20903   20906     -35     -38     43535   43536     -13     -12   -0.00084   -0.04804   48298   48289       9       3      -1     -3.999
pair: 3   20894   20903       6      -3     43539   43535       1      -3    0.00003    0.00197   48291   48294      -3       9       4     10.015
pair: 4   20898   20908      98     108     43541   43542     -51     -50    0.00237    0.13554   48298   48300      -2     -10      -1      1.007
pair: 5   20909   20908     169     168     43542   43540     -78     -80    0.00387    0.22173   48303   48299       4       1       2     -0.002
pair: 6   20941   20906     100     135     43542   43536      66      60    0.00270    0.15463   48311   48299      12     -35       6     -4.012
pair: 7   20904   20907     -17     -20     43543   43539      -6     -10   -0.00042   -0.02434   48300   48298       2       3       4      0.004

Quad  3
pair: 0   20910   20907     130     127     43544   43543     -63     -64    0.00295    0.16908   48301   48305      -4       3       1      6.002
pair: 1   20910   20901      -9     -18     43556   43544       9      -3   -0.00031   -0.01776   48304   48310      -6       9      12     -4.012
pair: 2   20897   20909      34      22     43539   43539      16      16    0.00064    0.03685   48299   48294       5      12       0    -17.990
pair: 3   20902   20902     -55     -55     43538   43541     -29     -26   -0.00126   -0.07238   48295   48297      -2       0      -3     -3.006
pair: 4   20907   20903    -144    -148     43544   43539      70      65   -0.00335   -0.19212   48297   48302      -5       4       5    -11.007
pair: 5   20909   20908     -46     -47     43539   43547      20      28   -0.00107   -0.06119   48304   48301       3       1      -8    -14.983
pair: 6   20909   20906     -44     -41     43541   43537     -17     -21   -0.00098   -0.05593   48300   48297       3      -3       4     -0.001
pair: 7   20907   20910     -29     -32     43549   43543      -9     -15   -0.00070   -0.04013   48307   48303       4       3       6    -15.985

Summary for quality check

  • Most of x-y measurements are within 10um precision
  • Maximal deviation in Z is 68 um
  • 2x1 angles are in the range from -0.30 to 0.47 degree

Geometry parameters

(tick) center/ (pixel)

 198.00   197.73   310.27    97.79   629.31   629.34   710.69   498.12  
 198.34   198.09   310.62    98.23   628.10   629.40   712.32   499.68  
 197.83   197.78   308.72    96.45   627.78   627.34   710.35   497.33  
 198.21   198.14   310.38    98.07   629.26   629.87   712.20   499.92  

 309.06    95.84   626.48   625.92   514.60   727.14   198.40   199.58  
 307.47    95.15   625.03   625.74   512.14   724.54   197.55   198.37  
 308.64    95.77   625.29   625.88   515.59   728.23   199.09   200.24  
 307.33    95.05   624.08   624.66   514.08   726.79   198.05   198.45  

   0.86     0.25     1.13     0.59     1.91     2.09     0.86     0.73  
   0.64     0.55     0.81     0.58     1.07     1.58     0.92     0.71  
   0.17     0.15     0.23     0.01     0.51     0.49     0.59     0.38  
   0.07     0.26    -0.16    -0.60     0.67     0.33     1.11     0.65

or the same in um:

 21764   21734   34105   10749   69174   69177   78119   54753  
 21801   21773   34143   10797   69040   69183   78298   54925  
 21745   21739   33934   10601   69005   68957   78081   54666  
 21787   21779   34116   10779   69167   69235   78284   54951  

 33972   10534   68862   68801   56564   79926   21808   21938  
 33797   10458   68703   68781   56294   79641   21714   21804  
 33926   10527   68732   68797   56673   80046   21884   22010  
 33782   10448   68598   68662   56507   79888   21770   21813  

    94      27     124      65     209     229      95      80  
    70      60      89      64     117     173     101      77  
    19      16      25       1      56      54      65      42  
     7      29     -17     -66      73      36     122      71


(tick) tilt/ (degree)

-0.13289   0.20462   0.46910   0.14207  -0.00592   0.04408  -0.18817  -0.15525  
 0.06315  -0.00000  -0.09673  -0.07435  -0.29673  -0.28421  -0.17504  -0.13684  
-0.05724   0.19276  -0.04804   0.00197   0.13554   0.22173   0.15463  -0.02434  
 0.16908  -0.01776   0.03685  -0.07238  -0.19212  -0.06119  -0.05593  -0.04013 


(minus) offset/


0    0  820  820
0  820  820    0
0    0    0    0


(minus) offset_corr/


0  0  0  0
0  0  0  0
0  0  0  0


(minus) marg_gap_shift/


15  40   2  25
15  40   2  25
 0   0   0   0



  • No labels