Sample lasing off profile from Genesis simulations

Sample lasing on profile from Genesis simulations

Lines indicate distance from true power profile at a certain number of clusters used in lasing off profile. Dots indicate the number of clusters chosen by clustering algorithm.

Cosine and l1 are both hierarchical clustering methods with cosine and l1 distance metrics (respectively). Kmeans uses the kmeans algorithm. Hierarchical is hierarchical clustering with a Euclidean distance metric. North coast uses the upper 'coast' in image to cluster images. 'Old' uses the old grouping method. Code used to run these experiments can be found in 'experiments' folder of xtcav code.

The first figure is the same as above but includes a 'baseline' for perspective. The baseline is generated by choosing random lasing off profile from lasing off run to estimate power.The second figure uses squared distance (rather than correlation) to choose the closest electron current profile. The last figure uses the energy center of mass method to calculate the power profile. As we can see, using the energy spread method and choosing the current profile by highest correlation produces the lowest error (closest estimate to true power profile).




The above images are of the same xray image. The first was produced by the new XTCAV code and the second was produced by the old XTCAV code. The old XTCAV code applied a median filter to the image before calculating physical units, a process which has been removed in the new XTCAV code.

This is the reproduced power for both the old and new methods for the xray image above.




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