calib methods with common mode parameters

det.raw.calib(evt, cmpars=(7,1,100,10), mbits=0o7, mask=user_mask, edge_rows=10, edge_cols=10, center_rows=5, center_cols=5) - regular cmpars=(7,1,100,10)

det.raw.calib(evt, cmpars=(8,7,50,10)) - algorithm 8 apply common mode correction to all good (selected by by mask) pixels ignoring gain mode map.

images for different modes of common mode correction for algorithm 8


mode = 0/1/2/4 - common mode is off/rows/cols/banks

mode = 3/5/6/7 - common mode

cmpars=(8,7,50,10) - allowed correction is decreased to 50


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