Optical measurement

Input files


Create 2013-04-19-Run7-DS1-Metrology-1700.txt from 2013-04-19-Run7-DS1-Metrology-1700.xlsx

Run script: procOpticalAlignment.py
which gives large deviation in optical measurement is observed in Q2, pair 0:

pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)      D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
Quad  2
pair: 0   20915   20685      31    -199     43544   43309     -17    -252   -0.00194   -0.11124   47993   48308    -315     230     235

Responsible for this effect is Q2, point 7:

Quad 2
Sensor  X       Y       Z
7       43298	44099	-2

Add 200 to both, X and Y and changed to:

7       43498	44299	-2

Corrected file 2013-04-19-Run7-DS1-Metrology-corr.txt gives a consistent table for QC and is used for alignment.

QC procedure and results

We calculate
S1 - 1st short side length of 2x1
S2 - 2nd short side length of 2x1
L1 - 1st long side length of 2x1
L2 - 2nd long side length of 2x1
D1 - 1st diagonal of 2x1 between corners 1 and 3
D2 - 2nd diagonal of 2x1 between corners 2 and 4
dS and dL are the deviations of the 1st and 2nd corner along the short and long sides, respectively. The sign of all dS are chosen in order to provide correct sign for the tilt angle (the same direction for all 2x1 sensors).
<dS/L> - the tilt angle of 2x1 averaged over two sides in radians.
angle(deg) - the same angle in degrees.
dD = D1 - D2
d(dS) = dS1 - dS2
d(dL) = dL1 - dL2

Quality check parameters for the perfect measurement:

  • S1=S2, L1=L2 - the 2x1 sides should have equal length and width,
  • D1=D2 - the 2x1 diagonals should be equal,
  • dS1 = dS2 = 2*dL1 =2*dL2 - tilt angle should provide consistent deviation for all corners,
  • dD=0, d(dS)=0, and d(dL)=0 - within precision of measurement.

Everything, excluding <dS/L> and angle(deg), are in micrometers.

pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)      D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)

Quad  0
pair: 0   20909   20913      79      83     43544   43540     -33     -37    0.00186    0.10659   48306   48299       7      -4       4
pair: 1   20908   20902      40      34     43536   43501      22     -13    0.00085    0.04871   48299   48259      40       6      35
pair: 2   20905   20911     250     244     43540   43560      94     114    0.00567    0.32496   48296   48322     -26       6     -20
pair: 3   20903   20919      -7     -23     43539   43558     -11       8   -0.00034   -0.01973   48313   48303      10      16     -19
pair: 4   20924   20908    -203    -219     43538   43537     102     101   -0.00485   -0.27768   48301   48301       0      16       1
pair: 5   20910   20900    -118    -128     43536   43538      59      61   -0.00283   -0.16187   48296   48295       1      10      -2
pair: 6   20907   20906     -64     -63     43547   43553     -37     -31   -0.00146   -0.08354   48305   48311      -6      -1      -6
pair: 7   20910   20910     203     203     43548   43547      99      98    0.00466    0.26709   48308   48307       1       0       1

Quad  1
pair: 0   20914   20918     -99     -95     43537   43544      45      52   -0.00223   -0.12764   48305   48302       3      -4      -7
pair: 1   20919   20907     -39     -51     43541   43553      14      26   -0.00103   -0.05921   48306   48309      -3      12     -12
pair: 2   21381   21374     -96     -89     43920   43927     -44     -37   -0.00211   -0.12066   48853   48845       8      -7      -7
pair: 3   21385   21380     -94     -89     43920   43918     -33     -35   -0.00208   -0.11937   48857   48838      19      -5       2
pair: 4   20925   20918    -320    -327     43540   43543     155     158   -0.00743   -0.42569   48309   48307       2       7      -3
pair: 5   20915   20907    -109    -117     43545   43542      53      50   -0.00260   -0.14869   48301   48306      -5       8       3
pair: 6   20911   20908     -79     -76     43541   43551     -38     -28   -0.00178   -0.10197   48309   48302       7      -3     -10
pair: 7   20912   20912     -36     -36     43542   43554     -28     -16   -0.00083   -0.04736   48304   48313      -9       0     -12

Quad  2
pair: 0   20915   20885      31       1     43544   43509     -17     -52    0.00037    0.02105   48260   48308     -48      30      35
pair: 1   20909   20916      62      69     43533   43543     -29     -19    0.00150    0.08620   48306   48293      13      -7     -10
pair: 2   20914   20911     217     220     43541   43552     101     112    0.00502    0.28749   48309   48306       3      -3     -11
pair: 3   20895   20899      60      56     43543   43547      24      28    0.00133    0.07632   48297   48301      -4       4      -4
pair: 4   20925   20913      19       7     43544   43535      -2     -11    0.00030    0.01711   48303   48304      -1      12       9
pair: 5   20904   20906      50      52     43537   43540     -29     -26    0.00117    0.06711   48294   48299      -5      -2      -3
pair: 6   20921   20909    -150    -138     43547   43548     -63     -62   -0.00331   -0.18946   48315   48303      12     -12      -1
pair: 7   20905   20908      48      45     43538   43540      19      21    0.00107    0.06119   48296   48300      -4       3      -2

Quad  3
pair: 0   20907   20902     186     181     43543   43546     -79     -76    0.00421    0.24145   48312   48293      19       5      -3
pair: 1   20908   20905     102      99     43542   43550     -53     -45    0.00231    0.13223   48304   48305      -1       3      -8
pair: 2   20917   20907     406     416     43550   43543     197     190    0.00944    0.54077   48306   48313      -7     -10       7
pair: 3   20906   20803     259     362     43546   43538     135     127    0.00713    0.40859   48263   48295     -32    -103       8
pair: 4   20910   20903     303     296     43538   43539    -148    -147    0.00688    0.39414   48295   48302      -7       7      -1
pair: 5   20985   20983     337     335     43713   43704    -157    -166    0.00769    0.44045   48485   48486      -1       2       9
pair: 6   20899   20909      91      81     43552   43546      40      34    0.00197    0.11315   48302   48310      -8      10       6
pair: 7   20907   20903     146     150     43547   43548      67      68    0.00340    0.19472   48302   48308      -6      -4      -1
  • Most measurements are consistent within measurement precision about 10um
  • Neglect 100um deviation in
    pair:        S1      S2     dS1     dS2        L1      L2     dL1     dL2    <dS/L>  angle(deg)      D1      D2      dD   d(dS)   d(dL)
    Quad  3
    pair: 3   20906   20803     259     362     43546   43538     135     127    0.00713    0.40859   48263   48295     -32    -103       8
  • Angles of 2x1 are in the range from -0.42 to +0.54 degree.

Configuration parameters

(tick) center/0-end.data (pixel)

 198.02   198.06   310.09    97.62   628.25   629.22   712.11   498.98  
 198.51   198.15   313.63   100.88   629.51   630.48   711.61   499.01  
 197.97   197.91   308.90    95.84   625.28   625.63   710.70   497.89  
 197.67   197.84   306.33    93.85   625.32   623.58   710.74   498.15  

 307.61    95.27   626.06   626.09   512.10   724.67   195.87   195.97  
 307.25    94.95   623.07   624.14   510.58   722.79   195.18   195.52  
 307.94    95.41   624.20   624.92   514.45   726.70   198.17   198.68  
 307.99    95.56   628.14   626.89   514.66   726.22   199.03   198.64  

  -0.04    -0.16     0.12     0.22    -0.29    -0.05    -0.34    -0.34  
  -0.21     0.15    -0.40    -0.72     0.39     0.21     1.15     0.58  
   0.16     0.00     0.03     0.14    -0.11    -0.20    -0.05     0.03  
  -0.06    -0.01    -0.45    -0.20    -0.37    -0.49    -0.36    -0.29

(tick) tilt/0-end.data (degree)

 0.10659   0.04871   0.32496  -0.01973  -0.27768  -0.16187  -0.08354   0.26709  
-0.12764  -0.05921  -0.12066  -0.11937  -0.42569  -0.14869  -0.10197  -0.04736  
 0.02105   0.08620   0.28749   0.07632   0.01711   0.06711  -0.18946   0.06119  
 0.24145   0.13223   0.54077   0.40859   0.39414   0.44045   0.11315   0.19472 

Alignment of quads in the detector

(tick) offset/0-end.data

  0    0  820  820
  0  820  820    0
  0    0    0    0

(tick) offset_corr/0-end.data
Version from 2013-01-31 !!!

  0   0    5   2
  0   5    4   4
  0   0    0   0

(tick) marg_gap_shift/0-end.data
Version from 2013-01-31 !!!

15   40   0  37
15   40   0  37
 0    0   0   0

Test plot for CSPad using PyCSPadImage/src/Alignment.py

  • No labels