SLAC computing
- First you must register as a new user with SLUO (this link).
- For now, LDMX users should select HPS (Heavy Photon Search) from the pull-down menu.
- Tim will need to approve your request so please email us to let us know this is coming (if you are a new student, please ask your supervisor to do so).
- When the user request is approved and processed, submit information for your user account to this Google Form.
- You can find your SID# by searching for yourself in the SLAC phone book.
- Someone in the SLAC group will use this information to submit the request for your computing account.
- Usually we ask IT to add you to the ldmx group, which gives you permission to access the ldmx directories. If this doesn't work, though, please email Omar or Natalia to add you manually to the group (please include your slac username in the email).
To edit LDMX confluence or see internal pages, you must be a member of the LDMX confluence group. This can be achieved in two ways:
- To join with your SLAC account, email Natalia with your SLAC username and ask me to add you
- To join with an external account,complete this web form selecting "Missing Momentum Experiment" from the pull-down menu (if you're a new LDMX student, please also email me a quick introduction with your supervisor in cc)
To edit a page:
- Navigate to the page you want to edit (you may have to login first using the button on the upper right of the Confluence page)
- Click the "Edit" button (with the pencil) to open up a WYSIWYG editor
- There are context-dependent options. For example, if you are trying to edit the Publications and Presentations table, move your cursor into the table and you will see a new table-specific toolbar pop up. An "Add new row below" buttons appear near the top left corner of the toolbar.
- You can add attachments by using the "Insert files and images" button in the main editor toolbar
- When you are done editing, preview your modifications before saving.
Content Tools