When deploying a new dark for the Rayonix

Step-by-step guide

  1. from mfx-daq, "ssh -X hsuser@con-ics-mfx-rayonix". Password = hsuser
  2. killall procServ
  3. capxure
  4. On the left-most tab, set external trigger to "None" instead of "Frame"
  5. Click "Normal", and hit "Collect New Background"
  6. Click "Dark", and hit "Collect New Background"
  7. Set back to "Normal"
  8. Exit capxure (it may give a segfault, but that's ok).
  9. cd to ~/slac/
  10. ./startDaqInterface_Newcraydl (this will restart the procServ needed to connect to the DAQ)

1 Comment

  1. maybe restart daq after taking a dark Sebastian Dehe Mous, Sandra