With full beam and “open” PP this is usually a sign the pulse picker is not aligned well (lost motor position somehow). Diagonal looking clipped beam.

If the pulse picker becomes misaligned it is usually fixed by rehoming the motor.

Click home motor. It will put it in “home motor mode”.

Click “home motor” (again) the motor moving will change to “moving”

Wait until it is done moving.

Then hit Reset Mode

When you open the pulsepicker the beam should be making it through. 

1 Comment

  1. 6/10/2024 mfxl1029722 - Kern 

    Pulse picker needed to be re-homed. The alignment was not quite right and there was bleed through observed on dia YAG with pulse picker closed. 
    To realign pulse picker, the lower limit of the vertical blade had to be changed from -0.100 to -0.600.
    After moving the vertical blade to the new lower limit, the bleed through was not observable on dia at 100% transmission

    check elog for reference image