These are some notes from my time working at MFX. Please edit as you see fit, Mark Hunter , Alex Batyuk , Frederic P Poitevin , Mous, Sandra , Kupitz, Christopher J. , Raymond George Sierra , Lisova, Stella .

Experiment planning:

A few hours before experiment, make sure SH2 stopper is open and XRT is closed.

At least 1 day before experiment, make sure Rayonix is on if using. If not, contact Kaz.

Before the experiment, make sure all of the PVs that you need are in the data stream.


To start ePix cameras:
Check that Det Chiller is running.
Check that humidity is <10 and temperature is <20
In ePix window, click Enable and then All Idle
If DAQ freezes, $restartda

FEE Spectrometer = XRT Spectrometer = XRT HXSSS

End of shift protocol:
Take the detector out of the DAQ before leaving at the end of the shift and leave the DAQ running, but not recording.
It is courteous to take the XRT M2 mirror out at the end of the shift if another hutch in the FEH is taking beam next.
Turn off He at manifold in hutch and on cylinders.
Move ePix10k or Rayonix to safe position and cover.
Take a new pedestal if using ePix10k

End of experiment protocol:
Follow the end of shift protocol plus:
Remind the spokesperson to fill out the end of run summary.
Turn off ePix cameras. Click All Idle and then Off.

Be careful not to put in DIA YAG in XRT unless you really mean to.

How to insert XPP monochromator:
$ ssh -X username@psdev
$ ssh -X xpp-monitor
$ cd ~xppopr
$ source .bashrc
$ xpppython
$ (this is the “in” position. Watch the mono going in on XCS YAG1)
$ lom.EC(desired keV)
When you are done:
$ (this is the out position)

The XRT spectrometer reduces beam intensity by ~50%.

The beam is ~700 um coming into MFX (without any prefocusing). The TFS has a 400 um aperture; therefore, we need to prefocus to get the whole beam through the TFS.

The IP is 145 mm from the front of the table when it is in its “home” position.

Never unplug Newport stages without first powering down switches.

DG2 STP1 must be closed to take beam in MFX. This stopped blocks the beam from going into CXI.


If AMI freezes, $startami

Set up a graph of Wave8 values:
In DAQ Online Monitoring, Env, v Time, Select, MFX-DG2-BMMON:SUM

Setting up data acquisition at different rates:
In DAQ, Edit, EVR0, Command records the event code and Readout records the event code and detector data.

Webcams: user: mfxopr, pw: pcds
Most other passwords are ‘hockey’

Middle click on a value in an MFX screen to copy its PV. Then you can paste it into Hutch Python, Archive Viewer, etc.

To monitor solvent ring intensity, e.g. to optimize jet position:
Rayonix AMI window, X/Y Selection, draw a box on solvent ring, Function, Integral, v Time

How to run autorun script:
$ /cds/home/f/fmos/scripts/ does not open or close the pulsepicker. switches the pulsepicker to either open or flipflop and closes the pulsepicker when the script is stopped.
$ mfx3
$ cd /cds/home/f/fmos/scripts/
$ from autorun_v2 import main as autorun
$ autorun(duration=300, mode=’flipflop’)
Duration is the time of each run in seconds and mode can be either ‘flipflop’ or ‘open’.

Once you have all of the windows and plots set up, click Save in DAQ Online Monitoring. Then you can reload everything if the DAQ crashes.

Use $ focus_scan PV (e.g inline camera) without any flags to continuously read out X-ray spot size. This is useful for optimizing Navitar focus.

$ mfxslits lasin puts in reference laser and removes Wave8 targets. $mfxslits lasout does the opposite.

If the screens get scrambled, $/reg/common/bin/ or $

Switching between 120 Hz ePix and 10/20/30 Hz Rayonix:
In the DAQ window, click Edit, then EVR0
For 120Hz:
Set event code 198 to Command and enable global event code 40
For 10/20/30 Hz:
Uncheck global event code 40 and set event code 198 to Readout (make sure Event Sequencer is set up correctly and running).
To change the binning, change the number of delta beams for event code 213 in the Event Sequencer to match the desired frequency. Then, in the DAQ window, click Edit, then Rayonix Config.
OR you can use:
$ mfx3
$ rayonix.configure_sequencer(the desired frequency in Hz)

How to use Alex’s python Rayonix viewer (faster than AMI):
$ ssh daq-mfx-mon05
$ source /reg/g/psdm/sw/conda1/manage/bin/ -py3
$ python /cds/home/b/batyuk/software/tools/

How to add PVs to the data stream:
From home on the mfx-daq machine,
$ cd daqconfig
$ cd misc
Find .txt file with the PV you want in epicsArch.txt. Uncomment out the name of the .txt file from the epicsArch.txt file. Then, uncomment out the PV you want in the .txt file. The * designates the alias for the PV, which will show up in the DAQ. The PV follows the alias.

To restart a mon node:
$ serverStat daq-mfx-mon06 (change to name of the node you want to restart) cycle

If running 2 Event Sequencers at the same time, use the sync marker for the higher frequency.

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