
Find all MFX dashboards on pswww: Controls Grafana > Dashboards > MFX

You will need to be granted permission to edit before getting started. Ask Antonio Gilardi or the dashboard's owner to add you.

Things should be pretty self-explanatory from there to create dashboards, rows within dashboards and panels within rows. Get help from Grafana Docs.

Resizing panels is not intuitive, you need to go to "Inspect" instead of "Edit" and choose "Panel JSON" which you then edit directly (look for "GridPos" and edit "h" and "w"):

Useful Grafana Dashboards

  • No labels


  1. So we edit positions etc by pixel? Like when I would work on my myspace page?

    1. Haha almost as advanced as that. Fortunately you only need to manually edit the panel width and heights. For the panel x and y position, you can drag the panel directly in the dashboard.