Gaining access through NoMachine

  1. Download NoMachine:
  2. Add a new machine:

  3. Fill in the following address:
    - Name: PSNXSERV (or a different name)
    - Host:
    - Port: 22
    - Protocol: SSH

  4. Select PSNXSERV and select "Connect"

  5. Click "OK" in the "Verify host identification" window that comes up

  6. Log in with your UNIX credentials

  7. Start a "New desktop" or reopen a previous session

  8. If you start a new session, select "Run the console", either in a floating window or in a virtual desktop

  9. A terminal should appear, you are now connected!

Connecting to mfx-monitor

  1. Make sure your UNIX accounts is added to the ps-mfx group
    1. You can check this in the terminal

    2. If you don't have access, contact . You will need permission from the instrument lead to be added to the netgroup.
  2. Connect to psdev

    ssh psdev
  3. Connect to mfx-monitor

    ssh mfx-monitor
  4. You are now connected to mfx-monitor! Below are some useful pathways and commands:

    # To run mfx hutchpython:
    cd /reg/g/pcds/pyps/apps/hutch-python/mfx/mfx
    # To run mfxhome:
    cd /reg/g/pcds/epics-dev/screens/edm/mfx/current
  5. You can add the pathways and commands from step 4 to your .bashrc as well, for easy access.

Using mfxhome remotely

Be mindful of using mfxhome remotely! Try to avoid moving motors, they can behave in an unexpected way when you are controlling them remotely. Do not move sensitive equipment remotely!

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