Attendees:  Abigail, Elena,Josh, Rebecca, Armin, Will, Patrick, Dennis, Connor



  • Mirror Substrates TPRR - received report
    • ESDs updated and released
    • TPR - being signed off
    • procurements -
      • procurement req is making way through approvals - where is it hung up? (reassigning account numbers) Armin to help Will
      • ASP complete
      • SSP
      • RFP out soon
  • Mirror chambers - ESD and SOW out for approval/
    • Controls -
      • chamber vendor provides chamber motion controls per controls level 3?
      • SLAC provides bender controls independently
        • what are the interfaces to controls? (in ac
        • break-out meeting for controls (Armin, Elena, Will, Mitchell, Maggie, Rebecca)
    • start the req?
    • MFX Optics System review (peer review)
      • system integration details
      • chamber details (what we're asking for)
      • how system will fulfill requirements
  • Laser Transport EPR  -  
    • FEH configuration updates
      • enough info to start working out transport options
      • CXI/MFX stakeholder updates
    • decisions and path forward on September timeframe
  • Lasers PDR - Mid August?
    • ESD progress taking some resource efforts away from pdr prep
    • Doc preparation
    • Slides being prepared by Dennis
    • mechanical detail follow-ups
  • Controls
    • looking at documentation
    • review on wednesday?
    • see if components fit on stands?
  • Infrastructure -
  • CC's
    • YAG manufacturers 105mm MAX?
    • vacuum based btm concept back in play? meeting soon?
    • kitting meetings 2 hours tuesdays/thursdays
      • what actually needs kitting?
      • Armin to attend tomorrow
      • strategy is work in progress
  • Mechanical -
    • CXI/MEC beamline stands/ valves
      • met with CXi and MEC teams  a few weeks ago to discuss interfaces
      • Jim finalizing stand relocations
    • Infrastructure
      • RDS updates
      • rack layout
    • Elena working through collimator supports
      • positions in section A are dialed in
      • CXi is adding a collimator next to PC2L5, PC2L4
      • BTm connectors interfering?
    • Design of shielding in hutch 4 - waiting for final requirements but basic design near completion
      • IM2L5 - location
        • needs a stand name
      • developing 2D drawings- working with Igor
      • BIO seismic - mostly complete - hilti question
    • BCS sensor counts - looking at gate valve ties, etc
      • need to look at diffraction issues in the hutch
        • Mirror- is there a published note? MFX specific? Will will generate? Or edit DXS note?
        • redundant sensors?
      • need to update note
    • Diffraction - start building a note like in XPP?
    • XPP style Side boards would work for lasers?
      • re-do BIO
      • ejection and ATM
      • Mechanical team will engineer these systems (jim charge laser number?)/ Laser team will assist with analysis
    • MODS table location updated
      • final design for structure still in the works
      • Components to be added to tables

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