Written by: Robert Nicholas Ettelbrick 

  1. Locate SSA, two routing mirrors, and waveplate ( normally stored near LPL additional parts) and place them on the bench near the compressor as shown below.

  2. The following procedure will assume that the beam to be measured has exited the compressor by some means, TBD, since the compressor layout and design has changed to the new layout since this procedure was first written.
  3. It may or may not be necessary to use a waveplate before the SSA input. The SSA requires P polarization. If the beam is already P polarized, the waveplate can be a useful tool as an attenuator. If the beam is S polarized, the use of a waveplate is mandatory.
  4. Connect trigger to scope and BNC tee to SSA Ext trigger. SSA is triggered at 5Hz from Gaia DG535 G output on the rear panel(green colored trigger and signal cables may be left near or below SSA with the trigger connected to DG535 ). The SSA trigger switch needs to be in EXT position. (INT position is for system rep rates of 1kHz or greater). 

  5. Align SSA -this procedure does not detail SSA alignment. Measure auto correlated pulse width at FWHM in uS’s. Multiply by 315fs/ms to arrive at deconvolved pulsewidth.
  6. Set up local control of the laptop used with PIMicromove motor program (Use the translation stage installed as part of the 2022 compressor refresh improvement project) to adjust compressor length. Typical pulsewidth of approx 40-45 fs will display 7-8 pixels above the half-amplitude position of the trace.

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