Project Background:

The incorporation of these Project Management training courses would enable staff to make the connection between their day-to-day tasks and their correlation to the 10 areas of knowledge from the Project Management Institute (PMI). This would further encourage staff to bridge the gap between how they approach those said tasks in the future compared to the present. This series would begin with an initial introduction course, followed by a more in-depth program of study for those staff members who show interest and have parallels to the PM Areas of Knowledge. This effort will be led by Robin Snedden and Cynthia Melendrez. 

Project Objective:

The objective is to share the PM knowledge with respective Accelerator Technicians, Science & Engineering Associates, and Area Managers. This series of classes would aim to improve operational flow and prepare staff mentioned above for the HE installation which is scheduled to begin in February 2025. Both leads, Robin and Cynthia, would by then have completed the SLAC 413 Course.The current outline is to conduct an opt-in and opt-out series of classes, in which topics such as:  

  • Project Integration Management
  • Project Resource Management
  • Project Scope Management
  • Project Communications Management
  • Project Schedule Management
  • Project Risk Management
  • Project Cost Management
  • Project Procurement Management
  • Project Quality Management
  • Project Stakeholder Management

Project Scope:

The overall scope would include providing at least one introductory course to gain interest and receive feedback, which can then be applied to the following more specialized training curriculum. As of now, it is still being decided on, whether to do it as an in-house PM training course or to bring in the Stanford IT Training Group. During the follow-up meeting scheduled on October 6th with Lauren Thompson from SLAC’s PMO Office, she mentioned the best approach would be to have an initial introduction course where she and instructor Robinson would be leading the efforts, while we focused on correlating the topics to actual LCLS Operations afterwards.

Project Stakeholders:

Ray Rodriguez will oversee this project management training course since general staff training is being led by him, there’s the intent to include these into the weekly ‘Training Tuesdays’ led now by Jonathan Ethni. Jonathan will be the stakeholder for the LCLS Operational technicians. Matt Hayes will be representing the LCLS Science & Engineering Associates. Silke Nelson will be representing the LCLS PCDS Operation groups. Eliazar Ortiz will be our point of contact for the HE installation engineering group.

Project Budget:

Through our PMO office conversation, Lauren has mentioned that since project management is her responsibility, she is committing to helping us get to the point where we can tie it into the LCLS world. Project management principles were offered by him, it's copyrighted, and he would have to get paid to teach this course. There isa potential that Lauren’s PMO office would cover the payment for Robinson’s course.

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