1. Provide hands on training on working with liquid helium transport dewars

      1. To be able to work with a standard 100L liquid helium dewar
    1. Skills to be developed:
      1. Determin the amount of helium in a 100L dewar
      2. Prepare and Maintian liquid helium transfer line
      3. Transfer liquid helium from a transport dewar to a cryostat
  2. Subject Matter Experts 

    1. Christopher Koerber 
      1. ckoerber@slac.stanford.edu
      2. ex 5284 cell phone 408-431-6678

      1. link to email address
      2. SLAC extension
  3. Resource List

    1. Write up "What to Know About Helium" What to Know About Liquid Helium.docx - Google Docs
    2. Video "Neck Sizing" Cryostat vacuum loss https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o7Iawk8z5rXcvuZXHvGzB6UrV3Hfhq3b/view?usp=sharing
    3. Resource #3 Description, include link
  4. Progress Matrix

    1. Partially Trained

      Fully Trained

      Subject Matter Expert

      Partially Trained

      Fully Trained

      Subject Matter Expert

      Skill #1Be able to determin the amount of liquid helium in a dewar.  Understand the properties of liquid helium and the implications of working with it.  Be able to train any to the first two levels.  
      Skill #2Be able to prepare and maintian liquid helium transfer line.  Understand the requirements of helium dewars and cryostats and know how to work with them.  
      Skill #3Be able to transfer liquid helium from a transport dewar to a cryostat

  5. Begin Training Content - Include whatever format that you desire

    1. Worksheets - To be printed out and worked on by the individual and reviewed with SME
    2. Video examples
    3. Step by step instructions
    4. Test setups and practical experience
    5. Use your imagination
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