• Please place all training in the assigned Confluence area
    • The MORE content that we can have reside in Confluence the better. This will make maintenance and modifications easier to maintain and track
    • Please verify links 
    • This will provide for a single point of entry for training modules
    • Verify that tools, test equipment and hardware referenced are available and functioning
  • Do not track individual member progress through training or qualifications in this public forum
    • We will ask that at the beginning of each module "Subject Matter Experts" be listed as resources for those working on a particular module
  • Include a table at the beginning of each module indicating how to progress through the levels of qualification
    • Untrained to Partially Trained
    • Partially Trained to Fully Trained
    • Fully Trained to Subject Matter Expert

2.0 Sample Layout

  • Sample Page
    • Work in progress, please let me know how to improve

  • No labels