Attendees: Walter Wittmer  Selina Green Rossignol, Charles F Tom Spinka Yang, Steven  Jing Yin Mitchell Cabral Nate Landis Hill, Elizabeth Barry Fishler Shofman, Vadim  Ginger DeContreras

Technical Path to DR and OPA Reviews

Worry List

Action Items:

  • All SMs and Owner of the item from the worry list will need to review, update and follow up as needed.
DR Preparation

DR Template

  • Day 1 Breakout guidelines:  Apply template to talks as applicable.  Some cost/schedule may apply but not all.  Always apply style guide.  Will change to 90 minute duration.
  • Charles question: Reviewed CF breakout talks.  Scope/schedule before cost and schedule.
  • Jing question: Move Data Systems to Alex's overview talk.
Next TI meeting

Discuss recommendation status

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