LCLS BPM Display

Table of Contents

Launching the Display

Starting from the LCLS Home Screen, select the box in the "BPM/Toro/FC/Blen" row and the "Global" column.  This will launch a new window

Killing the Display

If you're having trouble exiting the display normally, you're going to have to kill it. Start by opening an XTerm on the computer running the display. Type in the command top - doing so will pull up a list of processes running on this machine:

In the "top" dialog box, type k (for "kill"):

This will prompt you to select a process ID. For the LCLS BPM display, the process ID is a number conveniently printed on the title bar of the window running the display:

Enter this number into the dialog box. Press ENTER when the dialog box asks you to "Kill PID [LCLSH:X] with signal." This should immediately close the LCLS BPM Display window. To exit the "top" command, press q.

Acquiring Data

One Shot Mode

BSA Mode

Saving Orbits

You may select orbit type at the top of the window

Displaying the Data with Z Plots

Choosing Devices to be Displayed

BPM Colors and Their Meanings

Changing Ranges

Aside from chosing which version of the LCLS BPM Display to launch, you have a few different methods available to change orbit ranges.  Left-clicking on the orbit and drawing a box, as shown below:

will allow you to zoom in on a region of the accelerator and/or a range of X, Y, or TMIT data values.  Changing the region of the accelerator display in one field - for example, the Y field, as shown above - will change it in all fields:

However, changing the range of values that the Y data field can take as shown below:

will only change the range for the Y data field.  Note that the X and TMIT data ranges remain the same.  When resizing the X or Y ranges in this matter, the BPM display will preserve symmetry by taking val = MAX( abs( high_mouse), abs( low_mouse)) and making the new range run from -val to +val.  When resizing TMIT, the new range goes from 0 to +val.  See below for examples.

Table Format

Buffered Acquisition

Fitting the Orbit

Error Messages

For More Information

Please direct questions and complaints to Mike Zelazny x3673 (cell) 650/814-1418 Email Mike

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