Feedback Help

This is the overall information display for the beam-based feedbacks.

Feedback Summary Displays

Feedback Control: this button will bring up a screen with controls for all feedbacks.
Launch Summary Plots:    this button will bring up a screen of summary feedback plots. One plot for each transverse feedback.
Longitudinal Summary Plots: this button will bring up a screen with all Longitudinal Feedback plots.
Update All Act Refs: this button runs a script to save ALL feedback actuator reference values to storage PVs.

General Feedback Controls

This section contains controls for several functions related to feedback.

Feedback Lowest TMIT: this is the value that feedbacks use to compare TMIT for valid data from BPMs.  If the TMIT reading of a BPM is lower than this value, the feedback will not use the BPM X or Y data.

L2/L3 Energy and Chirp:

The Desired row allows the operator to set a desired value for the L2 or L3 energy or chirp. These controls can only be used when the Longitudinal feedback is OFF. The string 'Disabled' will be displayed in red when the longitudinal feedback is operating.

The Actual row displays the actual value of the L2 or L3 energy or chirp, based on the settings of the L2 and L3 RF abstraction layer amplitude and phase settings.The actual values are updated once per second.

Longitudinal Feedback

This section shows the Status of the Longitudinal Fast Feedback. The following describes each of the buttons in this section:

Longitudinal...: Brings up the Detailed Display for the 120Hz Longitudinal Feedback
Update Act Refs...: Runs a script to copy the Longitudinal RF Actuator and Offset values to storage PVs.
Restore Acts...: Runs a script restore the Longitudinal RF Actuator and Offset values from the storage PVs 
Configure...: Runs the feedback configuration applications.
Log...: TBD

Longitudinal Feedback Parameters

The Desired row is a set of toggle controls that allow the operator to choose which Longitudinal Parameters the feedback should maintain. The parameters are the DL1 Energy, BC1 Energy and Peak Current, BC2 Energy and Peak Current, DL2 Energy.  By clicking on a square the operator can choose to maintain the parameter (green) or disable the feedback for that parameter (grey).

The Actual row displays the Longitudinal Parameters the feedback is currently maintaining. Sometimes this is not the same as the Desired parameters. For example, when TD11 is in the feedback cannot maintain the BC2 or DL2 parameters.

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