SW Test Plan: IOCManager
1. Description/Purpose:
Update IOCManager iocs with new devices or changes to existing devices.
2. Systems Affected:
IOC/crate status and remote control
3. Beam Required:
4. Invasive:
5. Test time needed:
30 minutes
6. Dependencies:
7. When:
8. Risk/Benefit:
9. Test plan:
-Note current version of IOCManager (we'll call it <PREVVERSION> below)
-Release new version of IOCManager and boot into sioc-sys0-cv01, cv02, cv03 (for LCLS) or sioc-sys1-cv01 (for FACET)
-Verify communication with new devices, new PVs
-If there are problems, fix or back out
Backout plan:
Change boot directory links and restart sioc(s). For each sioc, perform the following:
rm -f bin
ln -s ../iocTop/IOCManager/<PREVVERSION>/bin/linux-x86
ssh laci@lcls-daemon1 /etc/init.d/st.<IOCNAME> restart
where <IOCNAME> is the ioc's node name, for example sioc-sys0-cv01