Programming FPGA
- Before programming the FPGA check the to see if H2 has jumpers connecting pin 1 to 2 and 5 to 6.
- Set both of dip switches to the 'F' position
- Using Xilinx Impact program the FPGA with the attached MCS file. Xilinx Impact Document Github Link
- Programming the FPGA should take about 5 minutes each.
- Once complete power down the chassis and remove the Xilinx Platform Cable
Test points
- Using the Cavity BPM Excel file from the Cavity BPM Chassis Tracker
- Add a new line for each new chassis
- Verify the voltage at each test point
Connecting to The Chassis
- Change the IP Settings to ping the chassis directly
- Follow the guide from Hello Tech
- Set the subnet to
- Set the IP Address to
- Open a command prompt and run the following command
ping -c 5
- This should have responses in ms if the chassis is responding
- To run the python GUI
- While in command prompt go to the folder
V:\groups\CD\disco\Cavity BPM GUI\
- Run the python application with
- This requires PyQt5 and numpy to be installed
python3 -m pip install -U PyQt5 numpy
- - From here verify that the following information is correct
- IP Address: 134.79.218
- Firmware Date: 01/24/20
- Firmware Version: 61
{"serverDuration": 43, "requestCorrelationId": "a9475a9571e8583a"}