Programming FPGA

  1. Before programming the FPGA check the to see if H2 has jumpers connecting pin 1 to 2 and 5 to 6.
  2. Set both of dip switches to the 'F' position
  3. Using Xilinx Impact program the FPGA with the attached MCS file. Xilinx Impact Document Github Link
  4. Programming the FPGA should take about 5 minutes each.
  5. Once complete power down the chassis and remove the Xilinx Platform Cable

Test points

  1. Using the Cavity BPM Excel file from the Cavity BPM Chassis Tracker
  2. Add a new line for each new chassis
  3. Verify the voltage at each test point

Connecting to The Chassis

  1. Change the IP Settings to ping the chassis directly
    • Follow the guide from Hello Tech
    • Set the subnet to
    • Set the IP Address to
  2. Open a command prompt and run the following command
    • ping -c 5
    • This should have responses in ms if the chassis is responding
  3. To run the python GUI
    • While in command prompt go to the folder
    • V:\groups\CD\disco\Cavity BPM GUI\
    • Run the python application with python3
      • This requires PyQt5 and numpy to be installed
      • python3 -m pip install -U PyQt5 numpy
  4. - From here verify that the following information is correct
    • IP Address: 134.79.218
    • Firmware Date: 01/24/20
    • Firmware Version: 61
  • No labels