Talk: Fermi at Five: Highlights from the Fermi Large Area Telescope
Presenter: Eric Charles
Authors: on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration
Conference: 27th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics

  1. I have posted two versions of the talk, and each version in three formats (pptx, ppt and pdf).   Please feel free to take material directly from the powerpoint versions if you would like to include it in a talk about Fermi or Fermi results.
  2. The powerpoint versions have embedded links to the ADS pages for references.
  3. The "short" and "full" versions of the talk have the same content, but in the "short" version several slides have been moved to the back-up section.   
    1. The short version is for quick 20-25 minute talk with only brief discussion of any topics.
    2. The full version is appropriate for a 45-50 minute seminar with a bit more discussion of many of the slides.

Please use this form to upload the latest - public version of the talk

  File Modified
PDF File TexasSymp_2013_Full.pdf Dec 12, 2013 by Eric Charles
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow TexasSymp_2013_Full.ppt Dec 12, 2013 by Eric Charles
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TexasSymp_2013_Full.pptx Dec 12, 2013 by Eric Charles
PDF File TexasSymp_2013_Short.pdf Dec 12, 2013 by Eric Charles
Microsoft Powerpoint 97 Slideshow TexasSymp_2013_Short.ppt Dec 12, 2013 by Eric Charles
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation TexasSymp_2013_Short.pptx Dec 12, 2013 by Eric Charles

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