Server Name: PerfSonar
Pubic ip=
Root Password: Seecs@987
Steps to record/generate reports
1 Tulip code Location: go to cd\home\bilal\tulip
2. Run perl
3. CBG code location folder
3.1 Go to cd\home\bilal\CBG-modified-soi
3.2 Run perl
NOTE: If services like is not seems to work, then kill services and rerun it. To kill it, follow the steps
I. Run command pidof perl
II. See the service number
III. Run command kill #service number
4. Change reflector or reflex or tier depending on requirement:
4.1 Go to cd\home\bilal\src\tulip\core\
4.2 Open
4.3 At line number 155(by using notepad ++), make change to following URL.
url = ""site"&tier=all";
reflex.cgi to reflector.cgi
tier=0 or 1 or all
5. If to change CBG constraints. There are three constraints.
a) bestline
b) speed of light
c) speed of internet
For the change of constraint type
5.1 Go to /cd/home/bilal/cbg-modified-soi
5.2 Run vim
5.3 Replace cbg2 to bestline if required at
my @cmd = ("/afs/ -r 'cbg2 $target'");
NOTE BILAL : update if there is any other options;
6. Give target in browser and write down CBG lat/lon or Apollonius lat/lon
6.1 Collect all lat/lon of working IP target.
Note: check working IP by pinging them
7. Note the actual lat/long of target using
8. For Error Distance use this website formula
Things Left to be done
Bilal kindly update what is left to be done
How many reports using Reflector +regions
How many reports using Reflex+regions
Compiled form of all reports . Bilal can you provide this.