At a moment Pinger-DB is implemented on three different packages.

  1. (DAO) Data Access Objects
  2. Data Processing
  3. Visualization

Data Access Objects

Each query for the database has its own Module. E.g. If you want to query for MetaIDs from pinger database. There is a separate module PINGER::Database::MySql::Meta and for pings PINGER::Database::MySql::Ping, which are both extended from PINGER::Database::MySql. MySql module require all the global configuration properties to connect to database. MySql is responsible for connecting and disconnecting from the database. It accept the configuration parameter in a standard format defined using PINGER::Config module. The most important module in this package is PINGER::Factory::PingFactory, to which you only specify source and destination pair and time interval, it then handle all possible

 Data Processing

When data is fetched from the database using DAO, the data is processed for different errors. This package mainly contains for fetching the data in a specific formats either in Pinger::Tools::Ping objects  or in a JSON format. The modules that handle such task will be under heirarchy PINGER::Canvas.


 Currently, the visualization is based on Simile Exhibit framework. The framework accepts data in a specific JSON format. The files responsible for visualization are in pinger-db/trunk/bin/* direcotry. In order to test the visualization you need to set apache cgi-bin directry to pinger-db/trunk/bin.

 Checkout Source from SVN

Use this following command on a machine that is on SLAC domain.

 svn co file:///afs/

 After checking out the code, set the PERL5LIB environment variable to the pinger-db/trunk/lib. you will also require the config file having connection parameters to database which you will find at /afs/


 After checking out the code, you will find code snippets example for getting to know how to use PingFactory and database modules in a pinger-db/trunk/unit-tests directory.  

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