perfSONAR as of October 2014 no longer supports PingER.

  • perfSONAR is great if you have the resources to procure, install, configure and manage the performance measuring hosts. 
  • PingER's network load is minimal, perfSONAR can make very heavy network demands.
  • PingER makes measurements to hosts that respond to ubiquitous ping response request, i.e. no software has to be installed on monitored/remote hosts, perfSONAR only makes performance  measurements to other perfSONAR hosts.
  • PingER has measurements going back 17 years, perfSONAR got started in the mid 2000's
  • PingER has regular measurements to over 160 counties, perfSONAR has probably 20-30 countries.
  • They are complimentary. perfSONAR is particularly good for measuring high performance links and on backbones, PingErR is good for end-to-end low performance links.


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