Time & date

Wednesday September 04,  8:00pm Pacific Standard Time, Thursday September 05  2013 8:00am Pakistan time, Thursday September 11:00am Malaysian time.


Invitees: Anjum+, Kashif, Raja+, Johari+, Nara, Abdullah, Badrul, Hanan, Fidah, Saqib+, Adib, Les+, Renan+, Bebo+ 

+ Confirmed attendance

- Responded but  Unable to attend

  • Actual attendees: Raja, Saqib, Bebo, Renan, Johari, Les
    Anjum had network problems.


  • We do not have a Skype nickname for Rafidah Md Noor <fidah@um.edu.my>. He has not attended calls recently. Do we need to get a Skype nickname for him? - Badrul (Badrul was not on the call)
  • Johari has added Adib to the contacts list
  • We will add Adib of UUM and Renan to the pinger-my mailing list. Has  this has been done? - Badrul was not on the call
  • Badrul will look into inviting RidZuan to join the PingER project team. Badrul will need to send the details to Johari to update http://pinger.unimas.my/pinger/contact.php (http://pinger.unimas.my/pinger/contact.php*). - Did anything happen? - Badrul was not on the call
  • Do we need to add anyone else to the weekly meetings, e.g. Hossein Javedani of UTM (or maybe Saqib or Hanan can cover for him), Ridzuan Bin Daud (or maybe Abdullah or Badrul can cover for him)? 


Johari is looking for a Research Assistant for 24 months for his research grant. He has an undergraduate who is working on some talks for 3 months.

Badrul has received the grant from his proposal. It amounts to 46K RM. It will pay travel for Johari and Adib plus a Malaysian research assistant at UM.


  • He has data for allyearly, allmonthly and last 60days for all 10 metrics.
  • The crontabs to update the data are running pretty smoothly
  • The pre alpha data is available publicly.
    For the Linked Open Data / RDF which is in pre-alpha days, you can go to http://pingerlod.slac.stanford.edu. As can be seen this page is not ready for prime time. However the demos work as long as one carefully elects what to look at:
    • Click on Visualizations, there are two choices:
      • Multiple Network Metrics: Click on the image: gives a form, choose from Node pinger.slac.stanford.edu pinging to www.ihep.ac.cn, time parameters yearly, 2006 2012, metrics throughput, Average RTT Packet loss and display format Plot graph, then click on submit. In a few seconds time series graph should come up. Mouse over to see details of values at each x value (year).
      • A mashup of network metrics x university metrics Click on image: gives another form, pinging from pinger.slac.stanford.edu, School metric number of students, time metric years 2006 2012, display format plot graph, click on submit. Longer wait, after about 35 seconds a google map should show up. Click on "Click for help." Area of dots = number of students, darkness of dots = throughput (lighter is better), inscribing circle color gives university type (public, private etc.) Click on circle for information on university etc.
  • He will be working on providing documentation on the programs, in particular the install guide for the repository and web site etc. This will assist the person who takes this over. Also he will look at how to make it easier to update the help for http://pingerlod.slac.stanford.edu rather than need a new war file for any update.


Johari needs a public DNS for his Raspberry Pie. Anjum suggested Johari move the Raspberry Pie to the data center based on SEECS experiences with Load Balancers. This may also assist with the traceroute problem and make it easier to get a public DNS. Update Johari

The unit has an 8GByte SDK card. Johari plans to clean out older cached measured data at regular intervals. The actual intervals will be based on the fill rate.

Johari is having problems creating an ISO image to simplify distribution. Anjum suggested using DD copy to make the image instead. - There was no progress.


Saqib is starting to look at Pingtable.pl anomalies as a start in a case study for Malaysia and S.E Asia. In particular hosts which are unreliable, hosts with large (>1) values of Directivity, host with large RTTs, hosts with  large unreachability or losses etc. Saqib has been busy with thesis so no progress, will be available June 12th on.  Les had some questions on the locations of some sites that have impossible values of Directivity. One has been Disabled, any word on Allianze? What about QIUP? Saqib will investigate. Update. Saqib was not at the previous meetings so there was no update then. 

Hossein Javedani of UTM was interested in anomaly detection in PingER data. We have sent him a couple of papers and how to access the PingER data. Any update - Hanan, Saqib?


Badrul sent a paper to Saqib a few weeks ago on event correlation. They plan to have a draft out in the next 2-3 weeks. Did this happen?

Abdullah and Badrul met to discuss looking at data mining PingER data for PhD studies. 


Raja arrrived at SLAC and is busy.

TULIP - Raja

Raja is re-working the CBG to work in perl. This will dramatically simplify deployment.

Umar pointed to a paper 

Raja has looked at perfSONAR. He has found ~ 50 potential landmarks with lat/longs and has added to the mysql database.

There was interest in TULIP from Mridul Jain <mridul@yahoo-inc.com>and the Senior Architect in Yahoo! R&D Software Dev in Bangalore, India. He pointed to an interesting paper on Geolocation using CBG and then finding hosts in the area and getting their area codes and using a virtual landmarks making traceroutes. The paper is at https://www.usenix.org/legacy/event/nsdi11/tech/full_papers/Wang_Yong.pdf. He wants something to use in production, however I do not think we are ready.

PingER at SLAC

Working to get Dafffodil University in Bangaldesh started with monitoring. The host is running, however the web server is not.

Working with Bangladesh to set up a monitoring site at Jahangirnagar University Dhakar. Letter of invitation has been sent. Les requested an update from Bangladesh 8/13/2013. They responded that they are having a delay getting an IP address.

We are also working with MIMOS (see https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/IEPM/20130810+Meeting+with+Dickson+Lukose+of+MIMOS) to get hosts and landmarks. They are in the midst of a discussion. hope to have something to report by September 8th

Also working with  Manipal (8/19/2013) in Malaysia to get monitoring hosts and landmarks. Manipal has asked for justification as to why they should participate. This has been sent to them (7/2/2013), plus a reminder with cc to researchers 9/7/2013.

Adib of UUM reported on 8/22/2013 that he has discussed the PingER project with Prof.Suhaidi “the chairman of InterNetWorks Research Lab”; he is interested and ready to support. Now, they are waiting the requirements of UUM computer centre before they can officially join Pinger team. Is there an update, Adib was not on the call.

On 8/27/2013, Bebo, Les and Renan met with Zakaria Maamar of Zayed university of Dubai to get monitoring hosts and landmarks. Zayed university has a campus in Dubai and one in Abu Dhabi. Zakaria is not a networker but is happy to help out. He will discuss with the Dean and get approval of upper administration. He expects a positive response. If this fails he will direct us to some private universities. We pointed out he may be interested in Renan's work making PingER data available via Open Link data.

There is an Al Jazeera story on the Internet in Africa with a quote from Les. It is at http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2013/07/201372484039912339.html. It also was referred to in the SlashDot top page, see http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/13/09/03/233202/how-africa-will-leapfrog-wired-networks.

Old Items

Follow up from workshop

  • Adib of UUM  also interested in porting PingER to support IPv6.
    • Anjum reported that SEECS started on this. They were thinking of using the IPv6 address, then using it to get the IPv4 address and rewriting the ping measurement with the IPv4 address, then everything in the analysis stays as it was. An alternative might be to get rid of the IP addresses altogether. Anjum reached out to Adib.
  • Hossein Javedani of UTM is interested in anomalous event detection with PingER data. Information on this is available at https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/IEPM/Event+Detection. We have sent him a couple of papers and how to access the PingER data. Hossein and Badrul have been put in contact. Is there an update Badrul?

The Next step in funding is to go for bigger research funding, such as LRGS or eScience. Such proposals must lead to publications in high quality journals. They will need an infrastructure such as the one we are building. We can use the upcoming workshop (1 specific session) to brainstorm and come up with such proposal. We need to do some groundwork before that as well. Johari will take the lead in putting together 1/2 page descriptions of the potential research projects. 

  1. Need to identify a few key areas of research related to PingER Malaysia Initiative and this can be shared/publicized through the website. These might include using the infrastructure and data for: anomaly detection; correlation of performance across multiple routes; and for GeoLocation. Future projects as Les listed in Confluence herehttps://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/IEPM/Future+Projects can also be a good start and also Bebo's suggestion. 
  2. Need to synchronize and share research proposals so as not to duplicate research works. how to share? Maybe not through the website, or maybe can create a member only section of the website to share sensitive data such as research proposal?

 Anjum mentioned a paper on Evaluation of IP Geolocation Algorithms on PingER and PlanetLab Infrastructures, by Fida Gilani et. al. submitted to IEEE INFOCOM 2011. This could be updated with new data and maybe submitted to a different venue. Anjum forwarded a copy of the paper to Johari, Abdullah and Hanan with copies to the team. The idea is to see whether there is interest at UTM, UM or UNIMAS. 

Anjum suggested Saqib,  Badrul and Johari put together a paper on user experiences with using the Internet in Malaysia as seen from Malaysian universities. In particular round trip time, losses, jitter, reliability, routing/peering, in particular anomalies, and the impact on VoIP, throughput etc.  It would be good to engage someone from MYREN.

Badrul has been looking at anomalies in ping measurements. Les sent some pointers to previous work on anomaly detection in time series. There has been  no progress, the student was on vacation, and expected to return August.

Potential projects

See list of Projects

Future meeting  - Les

Next meeting Wednesday 18 September 2013 8:00pm Pacific Daylight Time, Thursday 19 September 2013 8:00am Pakistan time, Thursday 19 September 2013 11:00 am Malaysian time.

Coordinates of team members:

See: http://pinger.unimas.my/pinger/contact.php

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