If you get this error when connecting to a server with ssh, run the following command on the client computer:

ssh-keygen -R [servername]

replace servername with the name of the server you are connecting to - mcclogin., facet-srvXX.....

Profile Monitor GUI gives a "File Already Exists" error when you print to eLog:

This occurs because the "Time Stamp Event" is not set correctly, even if triggers are enabled. If the camera PV is PROF:LI11:375, do:

caput PROF:LI11:375:TSS_SETEC 223

Remote Access to elog without VPN:

On a Mac, open Settings and search "Proxy". Click box for "Automatic Proxy Configuration" and enter the following for "Proxy Connection File URL":


You only have to do the above step once.

Every time you want to connect to elog, you have to have a terminal open in the background and run this command:

ssh -N -D 1080 username@centos7.slac.stanford.edu

After entering your password, the terminal will "hang". That's fine. Leave it open.

Now you can open a browser and go to http://physics-elog.slac.stanford.edu/facetelog/index.jsp !

If you encounter problems, try pointing the "Proxy Connection File URL" to https://s3df.slac.stanford.edu/people/majernik/proxy.pac instead

Remote Printing to elog:

ssh name@mcclogin lpr -P physics-facetlog < IMAGE.JPG

SSH Error connecting to MCCLOGIN on a mac

If you're getting the following error when trying to SSH to mcclogin from an updated mac:

ssh name@mcclogin lpr -P physics-facetlog < IMAGE.JPG

Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

It is apparently an issue with mcclogin using an older encryption method (but it checks out). You need to tell your mac to accept the older encryption:

ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa name@mcclogin lpr -P physics-facetlog < IMAGE.JPG

Fix for Camera ROI mistakenly getting reset to 1x1 after an IOC reboot:

Example is for S10 laser cameras but you can follow the same steps for any camera
1. reboot IOC
2. go to Profile Monitor S10, IN0 laser cameras
3. Click the Camera button under the Settings column
4. Click the Settings button in the Camera panel
5. Click ROI button in settings.
6. In bottom sub-panel under ROI set the ROI Size to be equal
to the Input size (e.g. 1292*964). This gets mistakenly reset to 1 and 1 after you reboot
the IOC

Note: this issue should be resolved automatically by IOC save/restore functionality, but until then you can also use


by doing set_full_ROI("CAMR:LT10:200")

Rotating Camera images (general tips on matlab and cvs):

On facet-srv as fphysics, have your profile set as you, and type:

cvs checkout matlab/toolbox/

This creates a local copy of the files in the directory matlab/toolbox/ in your local file space.

cd down to the file you want to edit - in this case, profmon_grab.m.

Edit the appropriate lines for the camera (in matlab, or whatever text editor).  The comments are fairly clear.

Save the file and type:

cvs commit -m 'some sort of meaningful note about what you changed' profmon_grab.m (or whatever file it was)

This updates the CVS respository with your changes.  To push your updates into the production area, type:

cvs2prod profmon_grab.m (for example)

This copies the changed copy out of the CVS repository and into the production area.  It's now live and updated.

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