These are temporary instructions and should be ignored once the devices are in EPICS on Wednesday, Feb 22, 2021.

The web address for the ACSW switch that controls IN10 and LI11 cameras is ''.

The user name is 'acsw-mgr' and the password is 'pass<the number of golden rings in the christmas song>mgr'.

The web page looks like this:

Click 'Device Manage → Control':

Select camera in question with check box and and select 'Reboot Immediate' for control action. Then click 'apply'. You will have to hit apply on the next screen to confirm. The reboot lasts 5 seconds.

Then you have to restart camera operation:

In this case we are looking at PR11335. Click 'Advanced → AD Base'. If you can toggle data type to 'UInt16' and it accepts then the camera has been revived!

Finally, toggle Idle/Acquire and 'Sync In 1' to resume camera operation.

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