1. SSH into S3DF and Move to an IANA Node

To get started, you'll need to securely log into the S3DF and navigate to an iana node. Follow these steps:

1. Open your terminal.
2. SSH into the S3DF system
3. Once logged in, move to an iana node. For example:

ssh iana

2. Ensure SLURM is in Your Path

SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) is essential for managing your job scheduling. You need to make sure it’s included in your system’s PATH.

1. Check your current PATH by running:

   jupyter notebook dask-slurm-s3df-demo-Copy1.ipynb

2. In the notebook, locate the cell where the cluster parameters are defined. Adjust the parameters to suit your needs, such as the number of nodes and other resources.
3. Run the notebook to start your DASK cluster and perform computations.


By following these steps, you can efficiently set up and utilize DASK on an HPC system. This guide should help you get started and ensure that your environment is correctly configured for high-performance parallel computing.

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