Complete the stepper motor checkout procedure every time the config files on the XPS controller are changed, the controller is power cycled, or during a PAMM before an experimental run.

Complete the pico-motor checkout procedure anytime new pico-motors are installed or during a PAMM before an experimental run.

Stepper Motors Controlled by the XPS

Make sure the motors are working as expected on a single controller.

  1. Disable all motors on the controller from the XPS web interface (Front Panel→Move→Kill All).
  2. Check that all the motor names are correct on the EPICS panel, change any that are wrong.
  3. Check that the motor spreadsheet (this sheet) is correct, update if required.
    1. Check motor names with EPICS panel.
    2. Check config files with XPS web interface.
  4. Look at the physical motor and make sure it will be able to home without hitting anything.
  5. In the EPICS panel, click get stage, then click home two times.
  6. Watch the motor and make sure it homes correctly, if something looks off, click Stop.
  7. Visually check if any interference will occur through the range of travel.
  8. Move the motor through its full range of travel and make sure it doesn't contact the end stop(s).
    1. If it does hit an end stop, adjust the range of travel in the config file.
  9. If the limit switches are accessible, manually actuate them and and make sure the XPS controller detects it.
    1. Front Panel→Hardware Status→Column c and d should get an x, respectively, as each limit switch is activated.
  10. Run the motor through its full range of travel again.

Pico Motors

Make sure the motors of interest work.

  1. Open up the Epics panel for the controller.
  2. If the motor is on a sensitive steering mirror, test with the laser on:
    1. Look at a downstream laser camera, move the motor a small amount and watch if the laser spot moves.
    2. Move the motor the opposite direction until the laser returns to its original position.
  3. If the motor is not sensitive:
    1. Visually verify the motor is moving in both directions.

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