Finding items on the beamline / lattice

  • FACET-II lattice (on facetsrv): 


    Script for parsing this file:
  • Output of the script:
  • Get a PV, e.g., from the FACET DAQ file:
  • Find z_pos for this PV using findpv:
    • e.g.: findpv TORO:LI20:1988%

Lattices, Maps, & Drawings

Overview: tunnel, gallery, trailer

Beamline Lattice via Lucretia

Dipole magnet settings

  • Nominal dispersion: 5-6 cm at the dump
    Dipole-dump distance: 13.27 m → angle: 4.52 mrad → kick: 45.2 MeV (based on 6 cm for 10 GeV)

Beamline in sector 20

It looks like the documentation of the Quads is wrong

  • No labels