Optics: Changes copied from LCLS2sc DASEL Revision History (from decks)
File location: see \MAD or \RDB (relational database) in subdirectories (as in table below) of: V:\LCLS\Users\Woodley\
or use release dates in CVS Repository. DASEL files named LCLS2scDA
CVS Repository: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/grp/ad/model/lcls.html
DASEL: DASEL.xsif (http://www.slac.stanford.edu/cgi-wrap/cvsweb/optics/etc/lattice/lcls2/mad/DASEL.xsif?cvsroot=LCLS)
Engineering Data Base: https://oraweb.slac.stanford.edu/apex/slacdev/f?p=116 (as of 5/15/19; told dev will change to prod "soon")
Date | Author | Changes | SubDirectory\ Release_Date | XLXS from DataBase | XLXS driving 3DCAD |
23-JAN-2019 | Y. Nosochkov | 8-GeV 6 element Kicker | AD_ACCEL\20190123_JAN19\MAD\ | 2019-04-27 | |
24-FEB-2017 | Y. Nosochkov | rename rolled BKYDAS1-6 to BKRDAS1-6 (per naming convention) move definitions of DDASA1, DDASA2 drifts to ALINE.xsif and rename add three quads QDAS1b, QDAS2b, QDAS18b for compatibility with 8 GeV | LCLS2SC\ 20170306_06MAR17\ | 2017-04-05 | |
23-NOV-2016 | Y. Nosochkov | reduce number of kickers from 7 to 6 (T. Beukers) correct minor error in kicker length formulas move PRDAS14 to center of the drift between quads QDAS14 and QDAS15 move PRDAS17 to upstream side of QDAS17 to avoid interference with BXSP1H | LCLS2SC\ 20161128_28NOV16\ | 11/28/16 | |
02-NOV-2016 | Y. Nosochkov | match DASEL to new trajectory between BSY pulsed magnets and BXAM1 Increase x-offset of DASEL line between DC-bends from 35 to 40 cm add a note that BRDAS2 is a merge DC-bend which is turned ON for DASEL beam to A-line or OFF for beam to A-line from BSY pulsed magnets ! | LCLS2SC\ 20161104_04NOV16\ | ||
21-SEP-2016 | Y. Nosochkov | add Y-corrector YCDAS1 (to compensate for missing trims on BYDAS1,2) move YCDAS15 downstream and rename to YCDAS17 (for better phase) ! | DASEL\ 20160926_26SEP16\ | 2016-09-26 | 9/26/16 |
16-SEP-2016 | Y. Nosochkov | remove weak vertical bends BYDAS1, BYDAS2 roll kicker/septum to compensate kicker vertical angle rematch geometry & optics to compensate kicker orbit & dispersion ! | |||
26-AUG-2016, | Y. Nosochkov | change quad type from 2Q10 to 2Q4W rename QDAS1 -> QDAS1a, QDAS2 -> QDAS2a | |||
17-AUG-2016 | Y. Nosochkov | add 3 BPMs (2 for MPS), 5 dipole correctors, 3 profile monitors | |||
05-AUG-2016, | Y. Nosochkov | resolve interferences: move QDAS1&2 and BYDAS2 0.815 m downstream move QDAS19 0.6 m upstream --> this will move QDAS17 0.45 m upstream increase the number of kickers to 7 and move them 3 m upstream, note: this will also require moving dumpline BPMSP1D 3 m upstream | |||
30-APR-2016 | Y. Nosochkov | initial lattice |
Location of Solid Edge Files:
Web interface: https://mdpdm.slac.stanford.edu/sites/design/pre/LCLSDocLib/LCLS2/Linac/DASEL
Current files based on 11/28/2016 release
SLAC Network Drive: Design on mdpdm.slac.stanford.edu
Solid Edge files name:
1. HXR and A-line: REF__cuH_cuA_Beam line-0.asm.
2. DASEL: REF__scDA__beam_line-0.asm
2. DASEL, HXR and A-line: REF__scDA_cuH_cuA_Beam line-0.asm.
3. SXR, DASEL, HXR and A-line: REF__cuS_scDA_cuH_cuA_Beam line-0.asm.
4. DASEL beam line top assembly: REF__DASEL_layout-0.asm.