1. Do we lose the FEL from ACR side -> Check the big FEL property monitor on the wall (if the property monitor is not showing anywhere, type > lclsmap in a terminal to bring it up, or use the control UI: LCLS -> LCLS Map)
    1. Check the gas detector
      1. CXI terminal -> cd ~/bin
      2. Then execute gas_detector_striptool
    2. Sometimes the gas detector is not working, then try striptool with the PV: HX2:SB1:BMMON:SUM
      1. It is a photodiode in TXI, “strong back 1”, it is an ancient diode, not wave8
    3. Sometimes it is more complicated than an ACR call, we need to join their Zoom session for discussion: 
      1. ACR Zoom 99900085245 
      2. Passcode 002151
  2. Is there an MPS fault that prevents us from getting the beam?
    1. Fix the issue if there is indeed an issue
    2. Ask ACR to bypass the fault if we know it should be bypassed, e.g., an item is not physically present
  3. Is the CXI reference laser mirror IN? -> Should be out, otherwise will trip the FEL
  4. Is the pulse picker DIA closed?  -> Should be open
  5. Is the MR2L0 HOMs mirror pitch at the right position for CXI to take the beam?
    1. LFE Home -> mr2l0_homs_pitch
    2. 0.85 urad is for other hutch, if it’s this value, we should change it back
    3. 4.949 urad is for CXI at 15 keV (Run 20, need to update this for Run 21 as it has changed after a long down time)
  6. Is the XCS_YAG3M in?  -> Should be OUT when CXI takes the beam. 
    1. In a terminal > xcs to get the XCS master control panel
  7. Is the XRT mirror (mr1l4_homs_x_up) in for MFX and MEC (they are parallel to CXI, we use the XRT mirror to direct the beam sideways, CXI takes the direct beam)? -> Should be OUT when CXI takes the beam. 
    1. 18500 is the OUT position
    2. -1900 is the IN position
    3. We now have a shortcut button for this mirror, in the LCLS tab
  8. Is the DG2_stopper closed? -> Should be open when CXI takes beam. 

Quickly checking components along beam path

You can use 'awr cxi' in BASH to quickly check if any components are in the way (pulse picker, stoppers, reference laser etc.), preventing you from taking beam.

Alternatively, you can use the hutch python function gp_get_all() to check all relevant status in the beamline, and gp_get_upstream() to check upstream beamline status if we see no FEL.