Gun turns on Monday 9/18/22

Downtime moved from 10/3 to 10/10 and will continue through the 21st

Survey of collimators?

Shutoff tests to certify new laser?

Linac west search ?9/14? @ noon, clear out injector.

Invasive to injector PPS work end of week.

Ion Pump magnetic reconfiguration → Finished 11 ion pumps from CM01 DS to L2 DS out of 15

                                                               reduction in stray magnetic field

                                                              discovered other sources that contribue to stra mag  fields from cold cathode gauges

MCM documents for limits being signed, operational limit 2.5 GeV - 4.4 GeV? or some unit

Test for Friday 23rd "pacing item sending beam to BSY"

shut off chassi in injector - test?

Heater screens had issue with camera mount, work to be done after 8:15am meeting 9/14

Turn on checklist for SC laser requires updates, do not sign off on work that is not complete.

(emailed through adobe document signature system)

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