Debbie, Diane


Configuration Application Conceptual Design

Application execution:

The Configuration Application will be executed from two places in the lclshome displays, and so will come up in two modes.

1) From the individual feedback line item on a feedback edm screen a Configure button will execute the Configuration App.  The Configuration app will read in the associated feedback configuration PVs and populate it's tabs. The tab showing on top will be the Matrix tab.

2)From the global feedback screen, a Configuration button will bring up the application with no default feedback chosen, and the tabs will not be populated. The tab showing on top will be the Overview tab. 

Reference Orbit Tab:

Reference values are stored in the Controller as PVs (eg: FBCK:FB02:TR03:M1REF, FBCK:FB05:TR02:A4REF). The reference orbit SCORE ID will also be stored on the Controller  in a PV. 

The reference orbits will be stored in SCORE using the SCORE API, and the SCORE schema. Each feedback must be defined as its own region so that each feedback can have its own GOLD orbit. This will look cluttered in the SCORE GUI, so these orbits will not be visible in the SCORE GUI (minor edit to SCORE) 

The Reference Orbit tab will have a table displaying the reference values for the feedback, read from the PVs. It will have a DB list of recently stored reference orbits for this feedback. There will be GOLD references in the RDB. The GOLD reference shown in gold, SEL check box column, GOLD column, ID, Date, Comment. (See the Model Manager for an example GUI for handling GOLD items in RDB, and Orbit Display too) 

The reference orbit tab will have buttons 'Save reference to Database', 'Load reference from Database', 'Read reference from IOC', 'Write reference on IOC', 'Collect New Reference Orbit'. 

The Collect New Reference Orbit button will use and EDEF to collect / average orbit data. 

Timing Tab:

As discussed.  We will place the pattern bits/bit positions/masks/categories table into the RDB. Use JPA to access. This tab will utilize a TimingMask module and API developed for all applications that need to choose incl/excl masks. For Add Feedback case a default mask is shown. 

Function Tab:

There will be four drop-down boxes initially. Initialize Function, Iterate Function, Feedback Matrix Function, Corrector Matrix Function. 'Choose a function...' is a choice in each list, for the Add Feedback case. 

Initialize Function choices: initTransverse, initLongitudinal, initBunchCharge

Iterate Function choices: iterTransverse, iterLongitudinal, iterBunchCharge

Feedback Matrix Function choices: getTransFbckMatrix, getLngFbckMatrix, 

Corrector/Gain Matrix Function choices: getTransCorrMatrix, getLngGainMatrix 

Overview Tab: 

A table of Feedback IOC vs. Feedback slot, with Feedback Name/rate in each cell, where assigned. Empty if not assigned. A drop-down box below to choose the feedback to populate the tabs, or 'Add new feedback...' is an option in the drop-down. If add new feedback is chosen, then show Feedback Name text entry, Feedback Type drop-down, and Feedback IOC dropdown. When chosen it will populate the above table with new name. Tabs remain empty for user to then visit each tab and create the feedback. 

Feedback Type drop-down choices: Transverse, General

Feedback IOC drop-down choices: FB01, FB02, FB03, FB04


Add functionality in other tabs:

Actuators, Measurements: 

String around plot, and table with drop-down components. Empty cells have 'choose from list...' in drop-down. 


For generic type: Table with text edit cells to add states names. For transverse type: Table with XPOS, YPOS, XANGLE, YANGLE. (State PV names: eg FBCK:FB01:TR05:S1 has string XPOS) 


show Get Feedback Matrix button if transverse, show Get Corrector Matrix if transverse       

show Get Feedback Matrix button if longitudinal, show Get Gain Matrix button if longitudinal

no matrix tab if 'general' feedback type  

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