Kuhkee, Sergei, Partha, Stephanie, Ernest, Debbie, Diane

We went through the project schedule and discussed our current status. Sergei and Partha will begin on their tasks. Partha to begin the configuration application in java, Sergei to begin setting up automated creation of feedback EDM displays using python.

Debbie is nearly ready to try controller software in a hard ioc - we'll need one added to the fast feedback test stand.

Judy has set up a filtering read-only gateway for fast feedback development which will allow only specified PVs from production, starting with BPMS* and BLEN* PVs. This will help us to test feedbacks in 'compute' mode using real data from production. This gateway will be on a separate development port so that only Fast Feedback test iocs need use it. Others can still use the general read-only gateway.


  • Diane to review requirements docs for configuration app and runtime control&display - make sure they are up-to-date for Partha and Sergei
  • Judy to allow only BPMS* and BLEN* PVs thru fast feedback gateway, use separate port.
  • Ernest to install another IOC (VME+EVR) to fast feedback test stand for controller testing
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