
Stephanie, Kuhkee, Debbie, Diane, Tom


  • Everyone: weekly progress report to Diane. If you already write one, just cc me as well.  Please include this week's effort AND next week's plan


1) project milestones

  • April: Requirements and Conceptual Designs
  • May: Detailed Designs
  • June: begin implementation and test
  • Fall: integrated network and IOC testing on test facility - sending data at 120Hz

2) April is Conceptual Designs Month - Reviews week of April 27 thru May 1


  • functional design description
  • functional block diagram, and / or
  • functional flow diagram

See the template on Sharepoint: Controls | Applications | SoftwareCandDDesignTemplate.doc.   This document includes the Functional Design in section 3 (ie: conceptual design) and the Detailed Design in section 4. The goal for April is to have section 3. Functional Design completed.

Right now we need conceptual designs for

  • the Network - Till
  • the Measurement Devices (BPMs and then at least indicate any differences for BLENs)  (Till for BPMs, maybe Sheng to help with BLENs)
  • the Actuator devices (RF and Magnets) - please include any new development required to make actuators work at 120Hz, and timeslot control (RF- Kuhkee,  Magnets-?)
  • the Controllers - Debbie and Diane

Later -

  • Configuration application - GUI mockup needed, starting in June
  • Runtime Control application - GUI mockup needed, starting in June

3) work breakdown and estimates

There will be a Program Overview meeting on April 28th where I need to present a detailed schedule.  For each of the designs above I need (by April 24th):

  • List of major tasks
  • estimate of time required to complete each task
  • include time for detailed design, coding, unit test, system test at test facility, production testing and commissioning.

4) Actuators and 'timeslot' control

Discussed the general approach for actuator control: We would like to have 'timeslot' control (for lack of a better term) of actuators even without feedback running. Pattern bits TS1 and TS4 give us the info for 60Hz offset control, we need to add pattern bits for FACET.

  • the actuators will have 'n' setpoints ( one overall, plus n-1 more for however many offsets we may want to control)
  • the actuators will be event driven similar to the controller -  
    • wake up on fiducial at 360Hz,
    • if pattern is 'pattern-of-interest'
      • set hw timer delay
      • when delay over, apply setpoint corresponding to pattern
    • wait for next fiducial
  • actuator IOCs will need configuration PVs, at least to hold a pattern-of-interest for the feedback it is working on
  • Configuration App will need to interface to actuator IOC
  • No labels