Debbie, Qing, Kukhee, Sonya, Ernest, Patrick, Kristi, Till, Charley 


BPM test plan provided by Sonya.  In addition to Sonya's test plan, we need to acquire and verify data from BPMs with the new FCOM facility - Till suggests we reserve some FNET ports, maybe one on each switch? A couple at MCC? To use for debugging FNET issues. After consulting with Charley it is not possible to have B34 connections to FNET since it is a production network. Possibly we can get a linux server on an FNET port in MCC, so that we can run test programs on linux. 

udpComm module: Till has taken a look at the old BLEN code to compare with BPM usage of udpComm. Till thinks it is possible to create a library for the VME->PAD communication that must change from broadcast on the private network to multicast on FNET.  

Kristi to provide a test plan this afternoon 

Kukhee and Ron discussed the testing required for LLRF.  There are FPGA upgrades to be done during the downtime. Kukhee to write up test plans ASAP so that Ron can review before leaving on vacation. 

Ernest and Jim showed us the test stand diagram first draft.  Looks good so far, needs to show switches, and which IOCs are connected to which switch. We request that the BPM IOC and Magnet IOC are on different switches. 

Charley discussed the purchase order for switches. Terri had tracked it into purchasing, we need to know if it's been sent out, when is delivery expected?    

Note: all purchases for the fast feedback development must be accounted for.  Diane to give an AIP review on Wed. Ernest, please have accounting of what test stand equipment is owned by us, what is borrowed.


Diane - prepare slides for Thursday Physics Meeting, send out early so team can review

Diane - complete slide preparation for Wed. AIP review

Ernest - complete test stand diagram, with switches and IOC connections

Ernest - Which items in test stand are borrowed, which purchased?

Ernest - make purchase order for borrowed test stand components

Charley - follow up on switch purchase order, has it got out-the-door yet? When are switches expected in-house?

Charley - can we please reserve/assign at least one port per switch to FNET for debugging, two on MCC switch

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