Using FRED while Debugging Gleam

Before starting the debugger (Skip this if you are using the Gleam checked out from the users/TkrGroup area):

Make sure you have included the following in the Gleam requirements file (and, of course, you have checked out and built these packages):

#fred display
use HepRepSvc   v*
use HepRepXml   v*
use HepRepCorba v*       

Setting up Job Options (Skip this if you are using the Gleam checkedout from the users/TkrGroup area):

Make sure you have a FredOptions.txt file which contains the following:

 // ---------------------------------------------------------
// Options for Gleam that are specific to defining a display
// $Id: FredOptions.txt,v 2004/09/08 16:46:38 usher Exp $
// this necessary (for now) to see the event
G4Generator.UIcommands+={"/tracking/storeTrajectory 1"};

ApplicationMgr.DLLs+= { "HepRepSvc", "HepRepXml", "HepRepCorba"};
ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {"HepRepSvc"};
ApplicationMgr.Runable = "HepRepSvc";

Starting FRED

Go to the folding containing your FRED installation and click on the fred.rb icon. This should launch a FRED window:

After starting Gleam in debug mode

After initialization, you will see following message in the output window:

CORBA HepRep Object Ready
