Using the cvs users/TkrGroup area

Before starting, I suggest placing the code from the checkout of GlastRelease into one folder (e.g. GlastRelease) and the modified TkrRecon related packages in another (e.g. Development). Then set two cmt paths in MRvcmt, the top one to the development area, the bottom to GlastRelease. Then follow these simple steps:

  • Using MRvcmt, check out GlastRelease v4r4 (or latest tag) into the GlastRelease area
  • Using MRvcmt update to the head of GlastRelease
    • Select the GlastRelease package in the packages tree
    • In the box next to the green check mark type "cvs update -A"
    • click on the green check mark
  • Do the recursive check out of all packages used by GlastRelease
  • Now check out the TkrGroupCheckOut checkout package from the users/TkrGroup section of cvs
    • Be sure to include "users/TkrGroup" in the offest field of the checkout dialogue box
    • Use the "Add Recursively" button (the red cross) to check out all the packages in the TkrGroup? area. Unfortunately, these will appear as subfolders of the TkrGroup sub folder of users. So, you need to move the packages up two levels to live in the Development folder, or add the path to them to MRvcmt's paths. (Refer to the question about checkout at the top of the page).
  • The following packages in GlastRelease will need to have their requirements files edited to modify the "use Event v9r*" to "use Event v*" in order to pick up the correct Event package:
    • GlastSvc
    • FluxSvc
    • TkrDigi
    • AcdDigi
  • In addition, the TkrDigi requirements file also needs to modify "use TkrUtil v2r*" to "use TkrUtil v*"
  • Set up the configuration files for Gleam:
    • In MRvcmt, select the Gleam package in the development area
    • Check the "global" box at the bottom of the "Packages Tree" panel
    • Either double click on the wrench in the toolbar, or select "Config" on the "Dev" pull down menu
  • Attempt to build Gleam... (go have a full pot of coffee, you'll most likely need it when you return)
  • Potential problems:
    • RootIo occasionally fails to link on windows with a message saying it has a bad pdb file. The kludge here is to delete the VC8debug folder in RootIo? and rebuild
    • reconRootWriterAlg and reconRootReaderAlg The version in TkrGroup? should work fine now (fail to compile. oops... I am working on this, basically you can comment out the lines which the compiler doesn't like).
    • RootIo fails to link, not finding mcRootData, etc. I had to go back and build mcRootData, reconRootData, digiRootData and commonRootData by hand, then RootIo linked.

Ok, good luck!Home

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