CCB Request for EngineeringModel v5r0703p2

GlastPolicy\RootcintPolicy v5r0p3
Heather Kelly
Update to vc_proj_library fragment for creating rootcint files for packages where there are more than one library created..specifically for RootAnalysis' Leaning Tower library

AcdDigi v1r14p2
Heather Kelly
Patch to edge effects for faces 1 and 3

LatIntegration v2r43
Anders Borgland

Added full LAT surface muon MC system test.
Limit some system tests to 100k events to avoid time out Correct sequence for the new Cal Recon

RootAnalysis v8r8p1
Michael Kuss, Heather Kelly Johann Cohen-Tangui Add johann's mergeFiles macro Updates to LeaningTower geometry Patches for windows

Em1 v2r5p1
Heather Kelly
Update JO file for test routine by removing old FluxDisplay

Em2 v1r5p1
Heather Kelly
Update JO file for test routine by removing old FluxDisplay

calibGenCAL v3r8p3
Zach Fewtrell and Dan Wood

Added tools 'adc2nrgVal' and 'biasVal' and 'adcsmooth', 'genGainSettings'
python scripts now support new intNonlin format (calCalib_v2r3.dtd) extrapolate all ciFit splines to saturation point.

calibGenTKR v2r7p4
Hiro Tajima

CalXtalResponse v0r7p5
Zach Fewtrell

fixed bug reported by philippe: only visible in ideal-mode high-asymmetry xtal deposits near 1050 MeV support new intNonlin data w/ optional per-channel dac values.
removed local caching of TDS RangeBase pointers in order to simplify the code.
fixed bug, found by Richard Dubois. when few lines of code were moved from computeEnergy function to execute function, the return when below_threshold flag is set became invalid, because it caused skipping of all subsequent digis - now replaced by continue statement.
fixed bug where wild hit positions were not clipped to xtal boundaries.
XtalRecTool combins EneTool & PosTool. FLE & FHE triggers now calculated. Also ULDs are now properly checked against ped subtracted adc values.

There were picked up as part of GR v7r3

IExternal/GaudiInterface v0r120p8
Toby Burnett
Patch to allow VC8 release builds

IExternal/ldfExt v0r561p2
Navid Golpayegani
Patch to allow VC8 release builds

xmlGeoDbs v1r25p4
Joanne Bogart
Updated ACD geometry to include tile shrinkage at operating temperature

astro v1r11p4
Toby Burnett and James Chiang
Move to use the tip packages and upgrades associated with HEALpix facilities v2r12p3 Joanne Bogart Added two new methods unsigned to string and string to unsigned.

idents v2r15
Heather Kelly
Add support for N/A in the AcdIds

detModel v2r18p2
Joanne Bogart
Updates to handle ACD screws

Event v11r8
Tracy Usher, Heather Kelly and assorted others move to new CalRecon Updates to ACD TDS structures

GlastSvc v9r16
Joanne Bogart
Fix to pushShape to handle ACD screws

commonRootData v2r4
Heather Kelly
support NA in AcdId

mcRootData v2r19p0
Tracy Usher
Add McTrajectory

digiRootData v8r7
Heather Kelly
Store AEM header parity bits
Modification of AcdDigi methods after consulting Alex Moiseev (GSFC).

reconRootData v8r6p1
Tracy Usher and Heather Kelly
Updates for new CalRecon
Updates for AcdRecon - ribbon active distance, corner DOCA, etc

RootIo v17r9p1
Tracy Usher and Heather Kelly
New CalRecon, updates to AcdRecon

Trigger v4r2
Toby Burnett
Enable Ritz throttle

flux v8r21p2
Toby Burnett
Include improvements to Earth from Dirk Petry Limit chime to 1 TeV

celestialSource v1r0p5
Jim Chiang

tag for GRBobsmanager

FluxSvc v6r28p1
Toby Burnett
Fix bug to StartTimeEnvVar
Provide access to ScienceTools sources

OnboardFilter v1r1p8gr0
Julie McEnery

calibUtil v1r5p2
Joanne Bogart

Add per-range sdacs attribute to <intNonlin>

CalibData v0r12p3
Joanne Bogart

Allow for array of sdacs per channel for intNonlin

CalibSvc v0r21p6
Joanne Bogart

Bring main branch up to snuff wrt intNonlin calibs

CalDigi v2r3p1
Zach Fewtrell

Save GltDigi Cal trigger info per xtal-face instead of per tower.
Save FLE &FHE trigger info to TDS. Uses CalXtalResponse >=

CalRecon v6r1p15
Tracy Usher
New Cal Recon

TkrDigi v2r4p7
Leon Rochester

Bug-fix in GeneralHitRemovalTool
Changes for compatibility with modified IGeometry interface for ACD screws Add GeneralHitRemovalTool, and associated changes Does all hit removal (except for noise) including hit truncation
SiStripList: check if both coordinates are inside active area

TkrUtil v3r5p8
Leon Rochester

Make towerFactor a Property for TkrQueryClustersTool Changes for compatibility with modified IGeometry interface Fix TkrSplitsSvc, and test program TkrSplitsSvc now handles hit truncation consts

TkrRecon v10r8p1
Leon Rochester and Tracy Usher

Update default cluster cut from 500 to 2000 new code for truncated hits Changes for compatibility with modified IGeometry interface for ACD screws Add protection in Combo Pat Rec against "bad" cal axes Add alignment correction to recon Tag to go with new CalRecon output
ComboFindTrackTool: implement MC energy and pointing option

cancel hit-limiting for poorly measured Cal tracks

new method to provide limit and position prediction Remove tabs (I meant to do this earlier!)
FindTrackHitsTool: fix minor radlen bug

Utilities: implement TkrPoints wrt a reference point

ComboFindTrackTool: use new TkrPoints

Limit CAL finding to cone around CAL-track

Fix minor radlen and layer-numbering bug

AcdRecon v1r12p5
Heather Kelly and Eric Charles
Add Corner DOCA
Add ActTkrIntersectTool

DetDisplay v3r1p7
Joanne Bogart
Change to IGeometry interface to support ACD screws

G4Generator v5r11p2
Tracy Usher and Joanne Bogart

New McPositionHits, order McTrajectories by generation Updated IGeometry interface for ACD screws

ntupleWriterSvc v3r8
Toby Burnett

Add access function to an existing tuple item.
Make a table of bad values; provide property to allow bad entries anyway Have RootTupleSvc reject tuple entries with non-finite values

G4Propagator v2r1p11
Tracy Usher

fix the problem with ray parallel to surface Addresses JIRA GEANT-5

merit v6r27p2
Toby Burnett

Support for new GlastClassify trees
Add new Doxygen documentation for inclusion in the user workbook

Gleam v6r7p3
Toby Burnett

add FT1Alg to triggered sequence
Turn on CalMipFinder
Add AcdUtil for new geometry service

AnalysisNtuple v2r9p1
Leon Rochester
Updated Doxygen documentation for inclusion in th user workbook

TkrSurplusHitRatio: #hits outside/#hits inside energy/angle-dependent cone
TkrSurplusHCInside: #hits inside cone
TkrUpstreamHC: #hits inside a cylinder upstream of the track
Tkr1CoreHC: total # extra hits in small circles around each hit on track
Deprecated: TkrTotalHits – same as TkrSurplusHCInside Add new ACD variables for 3D Active Distance and CornerDOCA.

userAlg v6r4p6
Toby Burnett

minor fix for merit properties

CRflux v1r5
Toby Burnett

adjust date from 2000 to 2001 for solar flux

ldfReader v2r5
Heather Kelly

Handle AEM header parity bit (CMD/Data error)

LdfEvent v2r13p2
Heather Kelly
Fix compiler warnings in EventSummaryData

LdfConverter v1r17p1
Heather Kelly

Set n/a for AcdIds
Handle ACD Header Parity from AEM contribution

rootTestData v3r4
Heather Kelly
New CalRecon

HepRepSvc v0r14p7
Leon Rochester and Joanne Bogart
Update IGeometry interface for ACD screws
Upgraded information for clusters and track hits
Bullet-proof TrackFiller for bad TkrIds

rdbModel v2r2p3
Joanne Bogart

Support for unsigned auto_increment fields

svac/EngineeringModelRoot v1r8p3
Anders W. Borgland

  • Updated the SVAC ntuple to work with the new CAL Recon
  • Added new CAL MIP finder variables: SVAC-79
  • Added ACD digi and recon variables: SVAC-77
  • Added TKR_ACD intersection variables: SVAC-78
  • Store histograms for TKR in a separate tree in the SVAC root file
    to speed up TKR calibrations: SVAC-81
  • Increased max files size for SVAC ntuple to 500 GB.

Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon)v5r0703p2

System Tests for this version

System Tests Result

System tests:


FRED version


Pipeline tag


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r3p0

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r3p3 **changed**
pipelineDatasets v0r3

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r2p7
ConfigTables: v3r1p5
TestReport: v3r2p7 (digi & recon reports)
EngineeringModelRoot: v1r3p20(SVAC tuple)


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