Changes made in the PROD server today: report from Dan Flath -

(1) Added table Archive:
(a) Columns; Archive_PK, ArchiveStatus_FK
(b) Constraints; PK_Archive (Pri Key),
FK_ArchiveStatus_Archive (Foreign Key Archive.ArchiveStatus_FK -> ArchiveStatus.ArchiveStatus_PK)
(c) Indexes; Archive_ArchiveStatus_idx (on Archive.ArchiveStatus_FK)
(d) Sequences; Archive_Seq (for Primary Key values)

(2) Removed from Run table:
(a) Columns; ArchiveFileName, ArchiveStatus_FK
(b) Constraints; FK_ArchStat_Run (Foreign Key Run.ArchiveStatus_FK -> ArchiveStatus.ArchiveStatus_PK)

(2) Added to Run table:
(a) Columns; Archive_FK
(b) Constraints; FK_Archive_Run (Foreign Key Run.Archive_FK -> Archive.Archive_PK)
(c) Indexes; Run_Archive_idx (on Run.Archive_FK)

The short story is that these changes will reduce data duplication and keep the schema highly normalized (the current state of things). All archive info in the Run table is now in an ancilliary table and linked by a foreign key relationship.

I'll have to update the stored procedures and archive code. I'll update again later when that's done.



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