Code Versions

Engineering Model (sim/recon):  (v8r1109p8)   v8r1109p10

Based on GR V11 and using Root 5.14.00g. Among many other things it has the new LATC keys that we need to query Moot and new ACD variables in Merit that Alex needs. 

(Differences with respect to EngineeringModel v7r0913p15)

Differences with respect to EngineeringModel v7r0913p15

Since we are resynching to a much more recent GR most of the tags have changed. I will not give details here - the curious can find them in the link above.

System Tests for this version

System tests results: 

A lot of differences. Mostly for the MC and due to a new version of Geant (including pruning of secondaries). For data there are a few small differences in aCD related quantites. Not surprising since the ACD code was upgraded. 

The LAT_LICOS-FSW test did not run, but this is now understood. This is an old run which "doesn't contain a "real "secondary-boot-script file key" so the upstream translation service (CHS/eventFile) failed. This has now been fixed.

Fred version:


Pipeline version:


GRITS tag (web browsing and task configuration)

glast-ground v0r3p7
grits-gino-web version 0.55 (v0r5p5)
grits-gino version 0.95 (v0r9p5)
grits-gino-xml version 1.42 (v1r4p2)
grits-common version 0.32 (v0r3p2)

online/svac (task defs, scripts):

pipeline tasks:

online: v2r4p1

svac pipeline code and tasks:

code/tasks v3r9p4:

pipelineDatasets v0r3

ISOC code and tasks:


Apps that run in pipeline:

eLog: v2r3p2
ConfigTables: v4r0p3

TestReport v3r7p4:
v3r7 mutsumi - Was already in the for EMI testing!
                       - move TkrNoiseOcc module from svac/EngineeringModelRoot
                       - add TKR noise analysis in TestReport digi analysis
                       - The output root hist file includes the directory "TkrNoiseOcc"
                       - It is used to generate TKR noise report
v3r7p1 awb - Added early event counter.
v3r7p2 awb - Retagging TRdp20070706 (changes to MergeHistFiles.cxx used in Pipeline 2).
v3r7p3  awb - Added warning about sweep events not properly accounted for in extra event warning.
v3r3p4 awb - Fixed typo in sweep events warning. 

EngineeringModelRoot v3r1p2 (SVAC tuple):
v3r1 mutsumi:  Move TkrNoiseOcc module to TestReport (this was already in for the EMI testing).
v3r1p1 awb: Added earlyEvent flag for time tones.
v3r1p2 awb -  Tagging Eric's updated ntuple description.

EMI Monitoring for the ACD:

svac/Monitor: version acdemi6
dataMonitoring/Common: version acdemi2

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