Move database

If you need to move the data base to another disk, it is possible, but tricky as the /etc/iepm.cnf and /etc/my.cnf files must be updated. the following guidance is from Connie Logg.
Shut down the monitoring system daemons...if you do not do this, it will try to run probes and call mysql commands

  1. The best way to do this is remove the iepm crontab (crontab -l > <filename>), and reboot the system. Without the crontab the system will not  try to do anything
  2. Shutdown mysql (mysqladmin shutdown command)  ... I do not remember the syntax.
  3. copy the /home/iepm/mysql directory to where ever you want to move it to. It can be put in another path, /u1/mysql, for example. Make sure all permissions remain intact
  4. Modify /etc/iepm.cnf and /etc/my.cnf to point to the new directory
  5. reload the crontab
  6. reboot the system and all should come up ok.

I have done this before and to the best of my recollection this should work. It is very important that all permission in the mysql directory remain intact.