Blog from January, 2012

I've modified the build system so that all our executables, modules and libraries now contain their build date and svn compact 'version number' (see svnversion). You can retrieve these values using the bldDate() and bldRevision() functions in the appropriate namespace. For executables, the appropriate namespace is the default one.

I've also modified initTasks() to print out these values to the syslog at initialization time.

RTEMS 4.10.2 is available

I updated, built and installed RTEMS 4.10.2 at /afs/ The source is in AFS, but the build and installation (target) directories are located on the Lab 1 server (rdsrv101), which are accessible via soft links from the AFS location (these are of course only valid from Lab 1 machines).

Let me know if you have any problems with this installation.


At about 12:25 today I made a core2.1 tag from the trunk of each of the projects workspace bootstrap, configuration, oldPpi, platform, ppi, rtems, service and tool. Then I checked in some changes to service/shell and configuration/fci that make the System container burn the entire ELF object to flash without unpacking it.

  • Steve