Kukhee, Patrick, Ron and I met to discuss the full list of RF work needed, in order to try to prioritize the work for delivery by ~March 2010. 

Here are my notes from our meeting: 


We discussed the overall priority of RF Station upgrades with respect to feedback.


  1. Station upgrades to PAU control required for fast feedback are: L0B, L1S, L2 phase & amp, L3 phase & amp
  2. decided TCAV upgrades to PAU control is lower priority because at this point there is no pressing need for a 120Hz TCAV controlled feedback.
  3. 120Hz PAC communication over UDP is NOT required unless the RF station is also upgraded to PAU control  

The following tasks must be done for every upgraded RF station in order for the Longitudinal Fast Feedback to work (these are already included in the Fast Feedback schedule):

  1. 120Hz PAC communication over UDP
  2. Local RF feedback loop must include new feedback algorithm discussed in RF design review
  3. PAU integration
  4. FCOM integration
  5. Update to latest RTEMS (needed on all RF IOCs) 

Additional Station specific work is required for Fast Longitudinal Feedback (these tasks are not in the Fast Feedback schedule yet):

  1.  Kukhee study SPAC software vs. PAC software - is it identical (or nearly so?)
  2. L1S - PAC change over to V8 of FPGA firmware still does not  work - maybe it can be debugged on 24-3? Need to talk to Franz-Josef & Joe. This may require some of Kukhee's time if the 'fix' includes software changes
  3. Split IN20 RF VME IOC into 2 IOCs, do some load balancing between these two
  4. L2 - in order to implement the 'phase and amplitude' control (Joe Frisch method) we must move the L2 Phase Shifter to LI24 RF IOC
  5. L2 - move RF softIOC logic for 'L2 phase and amplitude' control into LI24 RF IOC as a layer above 24-1, 24-2 and L2 phase shifter, integrate into PAU
  6. L3 - move RF softIOC logic for 'L3 amplitude' control into LI24 RF IOC as a layer above s29 and s30, integrate into PAU
  7. Design and implement a 'master-offset' control of 'pattern-aware' stations - maybe this needs to be turned ON when feedback is turned OFF?
  8. RF softIOC - remove L2 and L3 logic, redesign for using 'pattern-aware' controls in some RF stations
  9. L2 - add switch-over logic to use 24-3 as a substitute if 24-1 or 24-2 fails, OR add 24-4, 24-5, 24-6 and use 24-1,-2,-3 and 24-4,-5, -6 as sets of klystrons. 

RF task that need to be done, if physicists request it before March

  1. PAU and 120Hz PAC communication upgrades for: TCAV0, TCAV3
  2. PAU and 120Hz PAC communication upgrades for :Laser, Gun, L0A, L1X
  3. Commissioning support for PAC readout of slow ADC values and PAD temperature monitors, add names to panels
  4. Add diagnostic klystron PADs to BSA: Gun, L0A, L0B, L1S, L1X
  5. Add separate PAD channels to BSA: Gun, L0A, L0B, L1S, L1X
  6. Gun Tune Feedback
  7. EDM support: Gun Tune Panel column for reflected power, clean up panels - location of decimal points - names on panels (maybe Sherry can do this?)
  8. Review of RF softIOC, phase scans, other applications that use RF subsystem  - will they need changes to use the new 'pattern-aware' control? 

Ron Akre also has some test-stand items that may be handled with FACET work, since it depends on getting networking to sector 10. 

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