Present: Rafo, Stepan, Marzio, John, Maurik, Norman, Tim

Started on the run documentation (beam parameters, RSAD ...). Cleanroom activities - will decide what is needed for cleanroom work, space, and equipment. Discussing with Bob on hodoscope light tightening.

New DAQ boards (PCI) will not come till after the run, so two test modules will be used for HPS. Need to decide when and how many modules will send to SLAC. Valery made a presentation on the 2019 trigger and asked to decide if the trigger stays the same or we can drop triggers that are not used. 

Wafers have been fabricated! On track to get sensors in May. Began work on the layout for FEBs, the vendor is notified that the order is coming. Buying the components for the boards while the layout is ongoing. Will order 20 boards (need 10), expect to get boards on May 1st.

  • Update on 2016 analysis - Tim

Matt G. is working on the vertex analysis, especially on L1L2 and L2L2 samples. At some point, we should decide to wrap up with 2016 and switch to 2019.

  • Update on 2019 data calibrations and data processing - Norman/Omar

Omar presented a list of tasks for 2019 data processing. There is a huge overlap for resources for preparing the 2021 run and getting the software and alignment ready for 2019 data processing. The run takes priority, if there are new people some of these tasks can be distributed to them. 

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